Re: [Talk] Another group on Line

看板EngTalk (全英文聊天)作者 (呆呆桓)時間11年前 (2014/04/26 07:18), 編輯推噓50(5003)
留言53則, 51人參與, 最新討論串3/43 (看更多)
※ 引述《ji3su3w8 ( )》之銘言: : Hello everyone! : It seems that many ppl like to practice English via the app. I have heard that the previous chatting group on Line cannot enroll all of applicants, due to limited space. : As the result, I like to establish another one. :) Because I really want to practice on Line (which is more convenient to me). : Anyway, plz reply me with your ID below, allowing me to send you a friend request, if you like to join this:) : (Oh, one more thing: would you plz text me via Line after being added? Just want to check that you are the persons who want to join the group! ) : Thank you :) : And plz forgive me if it cannot include all of people again this time :) ID:studyhuan -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

04/26 20:02, , 1F
ID:Gracelyu plz add me!
04/26 20:02, 1F

04/28 23:20, , 2F
pohanchung :)
04/28 23:20, 2F

04/29 11:55, , 3F
id:smallbob19950121. plz I wanna join u
04/29 11:55, 3F

04/29 20:53, , 4F
04/29 20:53, 4F

04/29 21:21, , 5F
id:rabbitelle plz add me in
04/29 21:21, 5F

04/30 01:26, , 6F
j611062000 :) Thanks a lot.
04/30 01:26, 6F

05/01 00:31, , 7F
ia ashleetin thx
05/01 00:31, 7F

05/01 15:41, , 8F
ID:jeremytingyu plz
05/01 15:41, 8F

05/02 02:48, , 9F
ID: lucylucy0812
05/02 02:48, 9F

05/02 09:39, , 10F
id:7101062308, thanks
05/02 09:39, 10F

05/02 11:09, , 11F
05/02 11:09, 11F

05/02 14:54, , 12F
ID ine810211 :)
05/02 14:54, 12F

05/02 18:27, , 13F
ID:0982433740 , thanks a lot
05/02 18:27, 13F

05/03 11:10, , 14F
05/03 11:10, 14F

05/04 12:28, , 15F
ID: egg79117
05/04 12:28, 15F

05/04 15:27, , 16F
miss2359 thanks
05/04 15:27, 16F

05/04 21:16, , 17F
ID:hpp730 Thanks.
05/04 21:16, 17F

05/04 21:25, , 18F
05/04 21:25, 18F

05/05 07:24, , 19F
05/05 07:24, 19F

05/05 10:03, , 20F
05/05 10:03, 20F

05/05 10:04, , 21F
how about that we create the group for conversati
05/05 10:04, 21F

05/05 14:32, , 22F
qmi989 thanks
05/05 14:32, 22F

05/05 14:54, , 23F
ID b2993 thanks
05/05 14:54, 23F

05/05 16:56, , 24F
ID: colza1025 Thanks a lot!
05/05 16:56, 24F

05/05 20:25, , 25F
ID zywang25 thanks!!
05/05 20:25, 25F

05/05 23:13, , 26F
ID:murmurkaren thx
05/05 23:13, 26F

05/05 23:51, , 27F
ID: arbwasin . Thx
05/05 23:51, 27F

05/06 02:34, , 28F
05/06 02:34, 28F

05/06 08:36, , 29F
ID:junsir thanks
05/06 08:36, 29F

05/06 14:40, , 30F
ID: blackghostc Thx
05/06 14:40, 30F

05/06 14:43, , 31F
ID:zipe.daden thx
05/06 14:43, 31F

05/09 07:54, , 32F
05/09 07:54, 32F

05/09 11:04, , 33F
ID: willaj thanks
05/09 11:04, 33F

05/10 09:34, , 34F
ID:tmackang thanks
05/10 09:34, 34F

05/10 10:51, , 35F
boomhsu0810 thanks
05/10 10:51, 35F

05/10 21:40, , 36F
05/10 21:40, 36F

05/11 10:48, , 37F
ID: dconethree
05/11 10:48, 37F

05/11 12:38, , 38F
ID:peirren thanks
05/11 12:38, 38F

05/13 01:26, , 39F
ID:lin8song 3q
05/13 01:26, 39F

05/14 11:00, , 40F
Id:fkmtkuo. Tks
05/14 11:00, 40F

05/15 21:13, , 41F
ID: h52026cherry
05/15 21:13, 41F

05/17 14:18, , 42F
ID:maggie8801617 plz
05/17 14:18, 42F

05/18 15:09, , 43F
ID:weichi1122 Thank you
05/18 15:09, 43F

05/18 16:55, , 44F
ID: marcoking911 See you then!
05/18 16:55, 44F

05/20 02:20, , 45F
05/20 02:20, 45F

05/20 02:21, , 46F
thank u
05/20 02:21, 46F

05/24 12:57, , 47F
ID:nichkhunwonbin thank you^.>
05/24 12:57, 47F

05/25 16:20, , 48F
ID:hank855042 pls add me in thanks
05/25 16:20, 48F

05/25 18:07, , 49F
ahuang15 Plz, let me join this group!
05/25 18:07, 49F

06/02 17:14, , 50F
ID:akueisara Thanks :)
06/02 17:14, 50F

06/23 15:22, , 51F
06/23 15:22, 51F

07/20 10:48, , 52F
Happy3658262 please~~~
07/20 10:48, 52F

11/12 19:40, , 53F
ID:jmufish Thank you a lot.
11/12 19:40, 53F
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