[Talk] About Department of English

看板EngTalk (全英文聊天)作者 (YunnyH)時間9年前 (2016/01/10 20:09), 編輯推噓4(4016)
留言20則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
I find many people think their English will be better if they major in English. But, it seems not like that. In my opinion, it might have more opportunities to use English in class than other departments. And, you can have some sources from the professour. I probably wouldn't read texts like Bible or the Mythology if I didn't major in English. I did learn something from the department; however, sometimes, the courses are too simple for me (I'm not saying I'm great at English :b) because I can't learn much from these courses. For example, my composition class, the professour asked us to write six sentences using simple words. It was really strange for me because my senior-high teacher made us write a lot! Anyway, I just wanna know people's opinion about this issue. Do you guys think your English will be better if you major in it? P.S. It will be great if anyone wanna chat with me in English :) I think I should work harder on it hahaha Thanks! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EngTalk/M.1452427796.A.EEB.html

01/11 18:05, , 1F
But if you have more exposure to English, is high be
01/11 18:05, 1F

01/11 18:05, , 2F
possible for people to improve their language abili
01/11 18:05, 2F

01/11 18:05, , 3F
ty and linguistic intuition. Since I entered the Dep
01/11 18:05, 3F

01/11 18:05, , 4F
artment of foreign languages, my language ability im
01/11 18:05, 4F

01/11 18:05, , 5F
proves rapidly. Oh depends on how one seizes any opp
01/11 18:05, 5F

01/11 18:05, , 6F
ortunities to improve his or her English ability.
01/11 18:05, 6F

01/11 18:07, , 7F
Some people don't like to use English to communicate
01/11 18:07, 7F

01/11 18:07, , 8F
, but if you make good use of the resources and the
01/11 18:07, 8F

01/11 18:07, , 9F
English environment, you can enhance your language
01/11 18:07, 9F

01/11 18:07, , 10F
ability leaps and bounds
01/11 18:07, 10F

01/16 14:42, , 11F
Yeah~of course! Because my English is poorer than a
01/16 14:42, 11F

01/16 14:42, , 12F
nyone of my friends who major in English xD
01/16 14:42, 12F

01/16 14:45, , 13F
Btw I'm willing to chat with you in English but I c
01/16 14:45, 13F

01/16 14:45, , 14F
an't guarantee my English levels is as high as your
01/16 14:45, 14F

01/16 14:45, , 15F
s 0u0
01/16 14:45, 15F

01/26 17:41, , 16F
Mrsianas: I agree with you. So I have been trying to
01/26 17:41, 16F

01/26 17:42, , 17F
create better environment for me to improve my english
01/26 17:42, 17F

01/26 17:43, , 18F
Sever4004: Thank you for sharing your opinion:)
01/26 17:43, 18F

01/26 17:45, , 19F
I'm glad you would like to talk with me :)
01/26 17:45, 19F

03/01 20:35, , 20F
Can't agree you more, mrsianas.
03/01 20:35, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1MaaeKxh (EngTalk)
文章代碼(AID): #1MaaeKxh (EngTalk)