[分享] Jan-Apr口語 Part 1 新題【經典】謝忠理

看板IELTS (IELTS雅思)作者 (xzl)時間4年前 (2020/01/15 14:51), 4年前編輯推噓31(3103)
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網頁好讀版:http://bit.ly/2NpYYge ------------------------------------------------------------ 需要2020Jan-Apr口語 Part 1 新+舊題的板友, 請推文留言請給我2020-Jan-Apr-Part1口語真題 ------------------------------------------------------------ 各位好,我是【經典美語】謝忠理。 雅思考試的口語部分有規律的換題模式,所以準備考試的考生大約都 會參考每個季度 (4 個月一期) 的真題來做準備。 大體而言,口語的 3 個部分中,part 1 在每次換題季時會更換三分 之一的題目,part 2 和 part 3 則會更換一半的題目。從過去的規律 來看,上一個題季新出現的題目往往會得到保留。 2020 年的一月又輪到了換題的時候。一般來說,換題季第一場考試結 束之後,就可以整理出比較完整的雅思口語題庫。 雖然後面仍然會根據考生的不斷回饋做零星修補,但大體內容已經不 會改變。 在 1 月份第二場考試之後,雅思口語題庫已經相當穩定,即將考試的 考生可以按照題庫進行準備。多一分準備工作就能夠在考試中多一分 的把握。 2020年Jan-Apr雅思口語 Part 1 新題整理 下面就將 2020 年雅思考試 01-04 月季度的口語 Part 1 新題做個整 理。 1. Art 藝術【舊題回鍋】 Do you like art? Did you take painting classes when you were a child? Have you ever had art classes? Are there any paintings on the walls (of your bedroom)? Is there any artwork on the wall in your room? Would you say that being an artist is interesting? Have you ever been to an art gallery? 2. History 歷史【舊題回鍋】 Do you like history? Do you think history is important ? Did you like history when you were young? When you were a child, did you enjoy learning history? Have you ever watched movies related to history? Have you ever been to a museum to learn history? Have you visited any history museum? When was the last time you read a book about history? 3. Water Sports 【上季 Part 2題目】 Are water sports popular in your country? Do you think water sports are popular in your country? Do you like water sports? Have you done water sports? Would you like to do a water sport? What water sports do you like doing? What kind of water sports do you want to try? 4. Pens & Pencils 一般筆與鉛筆【全新題目】 Do you usually use a pens or pencil (for writing)? What do you think if someone gives you a pen or pencil as a present? When was the last time you bought some pens or pencils? Which do you prefer (to use), pen or pencils? Which do you use more often? Pen or pencil? 5. Running 跑步【全新題目】 Do you like running? Do you have long-distance running? Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy? Do you like watching running race on TV? Why? How often do you do running exercise? How often do you go for a run? Where do you usually go for running? 6. Beautiful views/scenery 美麗風景【全新題目】 Is there good scenery in your hometown? Is there good scenery in cities? When you travel, do you like to live in hotels with scenic views? Do you like houses with beautiful views when you are traveling? Do you think people enjoy taking pictures of beautiful scenery? How would you try to live in a house with beautiful scenery? How would you feel living in a house with beautiful scenery? Why do some people enjoy using mobile phones to take pictures of beautiful vi Do you like to take pictures of good scenery with your smartphone? Why? 7. Desserts (Cakes) 甜點、蛋糕【舊題翻新】 Do you like having dessert? Do you like eating cakes? Do you like sweet food? Have you ever made any cakes (or a cake)? In your culture, do you like eating cakes in festivals? Are there many sweet foods in your country? What desserts do Chinese people like? 8. Numbers 數字【舊題翻新】 Are you good at memorizing numbers? Are you good at remembering phone numbers? (Can you memorize phone numbers?) Are you good at numbers (math)? Do you often use numbers to do something? Would you like to do jobs dealing with numbers in the future? What is your favorite number? Why? 9. Science class 科學課【舊題回鍋】 Do you think it's important to learn/study science? Do you think people should learn science? Do you like science class? Did you have a science class in primary school or high school? What kind of science did you do at school? 10. Spending time by yourself 獨處時光 Do you like to spend time by yourself? why? Do you usually spend time by yourself? How do you usually spend your time by yourself? What do you usually do when you spend time by yourself? What did you do last time you were by yourself? 11. Long or short break 休息 Do you prefer a long break or several short breaks? Do you think having a break is important for you? How often do you take a break? What do you usually do during a break? Why do you need to take a break? 12. Park 公園 Do you prefer natural parks or amusement parks? Do you think people like going to parks? Do you often go to a park? What activities can be done in the park? 13. Laugh 笑 Are you the kind of person who makes people laugh? Do you think it is important to laugh with friends? Do you like to watch movies or TV shows that make people laugh? Do you usually make your friends laugh? 最後叮嚀 口語測驗相較於閱讀與聽力來說,是我們這些非以英語為母語的人比 較弱的項目,所以充分的準備就成為取得高分的不二法門。 正在準備考試的同學,一方面要關注新題,另一方面要繼續練習 2019 年 9~12 月的部分題目,整理出論點與內容,以便拿下好分數。 不過考古題只是拿來錦上添花的,一切都還是要有堅實的基礎才能穩 拿理想分數。 即將要上考場的考生可以仔細看看最近的考情分析: 2020 年 01 月 11 日雅思考情分析; http://bit.ly/2QRuFBp 2020 年 01 月 04 日雅思考情分析; http://bit.ly/2QobRte 2019 年 12 月 14 日雅思考情分析; http://bit.ly/2PNGjey 2019 年 12 月 07 日雅思考情分析; http://bit.ly/2OYt2Rh 2019 年 11 月 30 日雅思考情分析; http://bit.ly/2Y3sWuN 安排好考試前最後的衝刺方向。 預祝各位考生都能夠順利拿到 7 分以上的成績。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 需要2020Jan-Apr口語 Part 1 新+舊題的板友, 請推文留言請給我2020-Jan-Apr-Part1口語真題 我會站內信寄出 ------------------------------------------------------------ 【經典美語】謝忠理臉書粉專https://www.facebook.com/xiezl.info/LINE ID】xiezl.info (可以直接加 LINE, 即時聯絡) 【雅思課程http://bit.ly/2YYqlln最新課表http://bit.ly/2LuTrpn -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1579071109.A.1B7.html

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以上推文已經站內信寄出,請收信,謝謝。 ※ 編輯: xiezl ( 臺灣), 01/23/2020 16:30:44

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