[情報] 2010 The Financial Times MBA Ranking

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The FT 2010 MBA Ranking Source: The Financial Times http://rankings.ft.com/businessschoolrankings/global-mba-rankings FT Rank & School 1. London Business School 2. Pennsylvania (Wharton) 3. Harvard Business School 4. Stanford School of Business 5. INSEAD 6. Columbia Business School 6. IE Business School 8. MIT (Sloan) 9. Chicago (Booth) 9. Hong Kong UST 11. Iese Business School 12. Indian School of Business 13. New York University (Stern) 13. Dartmouth College (Tuck) 15. IMD 16. Yale School of Management 16. University of Oxford (Said) 18. HEC Paris 19. Esade Business School 20. Duke University (Fuqua) 21. Cambridge (Judge) 22. Ceibs 22. Northwestern (Kellogg) 24. Lancaster University 25. Rotterdam (Erasmus) 26. Cranfield School 27. Nanyang Business School 28. Chinese University of H.K. 28. Michigan (Ross) 28. Berkeley (Haas) 31. Virginia (Darden) 32. Imperial College 33. UCLA (Anderson) 34. Emory (Goizueta) 34. Carnegie Mellon (Tepper) 36. Cornell (Johnson) 36. Australian School 38. Georgetown (McDonough) 38. SDA Bocconi 40. Manchester Business 41. City University (Cass) 42. Warwick Business School 43. Maryland (Smith) 44. Rice University (Jones) 45. Univ. of Toronto (Rotman) 46. UNC (Kenan-Flagler) 47. Boston College (Carroll) 48. Rochester (Simon) 49. Western Ontario (Ivey) 49. Washington Univ. (Olin) -- MBA版成立了!! 國家研究院 > 法律財經研究院 > MBA版 歡迎你!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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