[問題] University of Illinois-Chicago的Essay

看板MBA (企業管理碩士)作者 (學著放手)時間14年前 (2011/02/08 13:48), 編輯推噓5(5010)
留言15則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
我真的是個慢半拍的人... 到現在還在寫essay (大噴淚) 雖然很多人都申請UIUC, 但我想應該也有人申請UIC吧吧吧吧!!! 有人可以提供相關資訊給我, 到底UIC要看幾篇essay嗎>"< 我在申請系統上看到的是這樣, Personal Statements We recommend that you limit your responses to two pages, double spaced. Personal Statement Please answer the following questions as part of your personal statement. Eassy Question #1: Why are you interested in pursuing an MBA at this time, and how do you think it will help achieve your career objectives? Essay Question #2: Please describe a personal or professional challenge that you have faced, what your actions were in face of the challenge, the results and what your learned from the experience. Essay Question #3:Please tell us about voluntary or community organizations that you have participated in and your roles in them, noting especially any leadership roles or opportunities to influence the organization's success or impact. 因為用別家的系統都是一篇essay一個upload的點選, 但這家只有一個upload可以選, 所以讓我很疑惑到底是要寫幾篇>"< 我知道還有一篇optional的, 但是這個是required的我卻搞不清楚到底要寫幾篇(抓頭) 我也寫信給admission問說要幾篇,但對方都還不回我信 Orz 我的疑惑是 1. 三個題目寫成三篇essays全部貼在一個word檔裡面upload 2. 三個題目合寫成一篇essay (天呀 有可能嗎...這麼少的頁數...) 請各位達人指點了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/08 14:26, , 1F
02/08 14:26, 1F

02/08 14:48, , 2F
我上系統看了之後的理解是, 一篇PS. PS裡回答那三個問題.
02/08 14:48, 2F

02/08 14:49, , 3F
另外, 要記得寫申請獎學金的ESSAY. 是分開的.
02/08 14:49, 3F

02/08 21:59, , 4F
我會想辦法在一篇文章回答三個問題 不見的要依序
02/08 21:59, 4F

02/08 22:02, , 5F
拆成三個重點 1. why mba/career goal 2. background(ex)
02/08 22:02, 5F

02/08 22:04, , 6F
3. leadership exp 哪個部分是強項就寫多 differentiate
02/08 22:04, 6F

02/08 22:07, , 7F
想辦法變成一個故事會更好 一點小意見 希望有幫到
02/08 22:07, 7F

02/09 01:34, , 8F
02/09 01:34, 8F

02/09 01:35, , 9F
02/09 01:35, 9F

02/09 01:38, , 10F
別忘的double space. 我覺得不難拉
02/09 01:38, 10F

02/09 01:39, , 11F
02/09 01:39, 11F

02/09 16:02, , 12F
02/09 16:02, 12F

02/09 16:03, , 13F
02/09 16:03, 13F

02/09 16:04, , 14F
02/09 16:04, 14F

02/09 16:05, , 15F
02/09 16:05, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1DKDad5Q (MBA)
文章代碼(AID): #1DKDad5Q (MBA)