[消息] 3/9北大、清華、復旦MBA線上活動

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【The MBA Tour Asia Pacific, Virtual Event】 Meet top MBA programs online, including 北京大學、清華大學、復旦大學。. Time: 5 to 7:30 pm, Thursday, March 9, 2023 (Taiwan Time) Sign up & More Info: http://bit.ly/41aZ7sh At this virtual event, you will get the chance to attend: ‧Meet-Ups: 1 on 1 meetings with an admission representative ‧MBA Talks: Interactive presentations from schools that explore the unique features of their programs ‧Resume Clinic: One-on-one sessions with an admissions representative to get feedback on your resume ‧Networking Fair: Connect with fellow applicants, current students, program alumni, admissions representatives, and our event sponsors. 有機會抽中250美金的GMAT考試抵用券,以及其他申請相關優惠。 One lucky attendee will be eligible to win a $250 GMAT Exam Voucher and will be contacted directly following the event. All attendees will receive an exclusive B-School Success Bundle post-event which includes: --One month of free participation in Sprints($97 value), a membership-only closed group where MBA candidates collaborate with an admission expert as their cohort, by My MBA Path. --MBA Scholarships Guide by BusinessBecause, breaking down the ways in which you can boost your chances of landing a scholarship. --10% off GMAC Business Fundamentals: Level up your core business knowledge BEFORE you enter the classroom with courses that will empower you to successfully start your graduate business program and will be applicable to your future career. --GMAT™ Accelerator Bundle which includes a GMAT™ 8-Week Study Planner and 10% off the GMAT™ Official Guide 2022 E-Book and Online Question Bank. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TWSU/M.1677649816.A.77E.html
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文章代碼(AID): #1Z_kUOT- (TWSU)