[情報] 南加大生化與分子醫學碩士線上講座 2/25已刪文
南加大國際學院 [線上講座] -- 【生物化學與分子醫學碩士課程:指導研究經驗概況】
對生物化學與分子醫學有興趣嗎? 想攻讀碩士並做研究嗎? 南加大醫學院的生物化學與
分子醫學碩士課程 (MS in Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine) 的四位教授將上線
分享, 探討在教授指導下進行研究的各種可能, 歡迎有興趣了解的朋友報名參加!
活動免費, 英文進行.
主題: 生物化學與分子醫學碩士課程 (V) :指導研究經驗概況
Snapshot of the mentored research experience possibilities in
USC's Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine MS program
時間: (台) 2/25 (五) 上午 11 點 (長度一小時)
報名: https://forms.gle/sqAqnNps1hJ8HcxV6
活動的 Zoom 會議連結會於活動前一天發出, 請留意郵件
主講 (1): Judd Rice, Ph. D.
- Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine
- Director, Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine Master's Degree Program
- https://keck.usc.edu/faculty-search/judd-christopher-rice/
主講 (2) Dr. Pragna I. Patel
- Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine
- Director of Instructional Practices and Curriculum
- https://keck.usc.edu/faculty-search/pragna-i-patel-2/
主講 (3): Dr. Yifan Liu
- Associate Professor of Research Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
- https://keck.usc.edu/biochemistry-and-molecular-medicine/faculty/yifan-liu/
主講 (4): Dr. Yali Dou
- Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine and Department of
Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
- Co-Leader of the Genomic and Epigenomic Regulation Research Program,
Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
- https://keck.usc.edu/faculty-search/yali-dou/
生物化學與分子醫學碩士課程 (MS in Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine) -
南加大國際學院 USC International Academy - https://international.usc.edu/
(提供非學位課程, 包括英語加強, 碩士預科等)
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