[情報]南加大USC 全球供應鏈與管理碩士 講座2/26已刪文
全球供應鏈的重要性在疫情衝擊下更是受到全面重視. 線上碩士課程排名全美第一的
南加大 『全球供應鏈管理』將舉辦一場線上大師講座, 由實務經驗豐富的知名教授 -
Dr. Christopher Gopal, 分享針對 "全球供應鏈的永續性與危機管理" 的見解.
活動免費, 歡迎有興趣的朋友報名參加. 活動結束前, 課程人員也將簡介課程與申請相
南加大商學院 全球供應鏈管理 大師講座 (線上)
主題: 全球供應鏈的永續性與危機管理
(Global Supply Chain: Sustainability and Risk Management)
時間: (台) 上午 9-10 點, 2/26 週六 / (美西) 下午 5-6 點, 2/25 週五
費用: 免費
報名: http://bit.ly/GSCMThoughtLeaders
主講人: Dr. Christopher Gopal
[講者簡介] Dr. Christopher Gopal 有超過35年的全球供應鏈管理經驗, 曾服務於大
和小型公司及新創公司, 他被認為是業界的創新者和意見領袖, 經常受邀
演講, 目前於 USC 和 UC San Diego 教書.
聯絡: ms.gscm@marshall.usc.edu
課程介紹時段 (課程人員將於講座結束後簡短介紹以下內容)
* 線上學習的課程架構、互動方式等
* 學員將與教授就供應鏈產業面臨的重要議題及問題進行討論
* 了解如何申請碩士課程 (實體或線上). 線上課程排名全美第一
* 如何與商學院入學事務人員聯繫並諮詢申請相關問題
University of Southern California
Marshall School of Business
Presented by The Randall R. Kendrick Global Supply Chain Institute
Global Supply Chain : Sustainability and Risk Management
Friday, February 25, 2022
5:00-6:00 PM (PST)
RSVP for Event: bit.ly/GSCMThoughtLeaders
Join the USC Marshall School of Business and Dr. Christopher Gopal for a
simulated virtual class on “Global Supply Chain: Sustainability and Risk
Management” for the Master of Science in Global Supply Chain Management and
Professional Development Certification Programs.
Dr. Christopher Gopal is a results-oriented, highly experienced supply chain
and operations executive with over 35 years of experience in global supply
chain management, logistics and information technologies. His career has
encompassed executive line management, consulting across both large and small
companies, as well as several startups. Chris is recognized as an innovator
and thought leader and he is a frequent invited speaker and panelist at
leading forums. Chris is a Board member of the Global Supply Chain Management
at the University of Southern California and teaches at USC and UC San Diego.
Dr. Gopal holds a PhD from the University of Southern California and an MBA
from the Cranfield School of Management, UK.
During this session, we will share a quick overview of the master’s program,
application requirements, and admissions process be provided at the end of
the class.
This event will provide attendees with insight into the USC online learning
class structure and online classroom dynamics and expectations.
Attendees will be engaged in a class discussion with a USC Marshall School of
Business faculty on a critical topic and issue in the supply chain industry.
Learn how you can be part of the On-Campus or Online Executive Program that
is Ranked #1 in Best Online Master's in Business Programs (Excluding MBA)
through US News and World Report.
Connect with a USC Marshall admissions representative to answer your
questions about the application process.
If you are interested in connecting with us beyond the Thought Leaders
Series, please feel free to contact ms.gscm@marshall.usc.edu or
bit.ly/GSCMThoughtLeaders to view our ongoing admissions events.
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