討論串[問題] 生物問題請教
共 7 篇文章
想請問大家幾題升物問題. 1. For the processing of visual information in the central nervous system ofhumans, the neuronal projections of ganglion cells to the lef
那麼我幫你翻譯一下好了. 在人類中樞神經系統的視覺資訊處理過程中,位於左側與右側側膝核負責神經投射的神經. 節細胞是︰. 都是負責同一側的,意思就是說,左側的視覺投射由左邊的腦負責,右側之亦然. 都是負責不同側的,意思就是說,左邊的視覺投射往右邊的大腦傳導,右側之亦然. 靠近顳端的的視網膜都是負責不
1.Which process hinder clarification of the deepest branchings in a. phylogenetic tree that depicts the origins of the tree domains?. (A)binary fissio
1.Starting from a single individual, what is the size of a population of. bacteria that. reproduce by binary fission every 20 minutes at the end of a
1.In one set of experiments using this procedure in Drosophila, she was readilysuccessful in increasing phosphorylation of amino acids adjacent to met