[問題] 幫忙下載paper
1.刊名:Journal of naturl products
文章:Anti-inflammatory and potential cancer chemopreventive constituents of
the fruits of Morinda citrifolia (Noni). 2007 May;70(5):754-7.
2.刊名:Journal of medicinal food
文章:Induction of extracellular matrix synthesis in normal human fibroblasts by
anthraquinone isolated from Morinda citrifolia (Noni) fruit.
2005 Winter;8(4):552-5.
3.刊名: Phytother Res.
文章:Evaluation of the ergogenic potential of noni juice.
2007 Nov;21(11):1100-1.
4.刊名:Oncology Reports
文章:Fermented Noni exudate (fNE): a mediator between immune system and
anti-tumor activity.2008 Dec;20(6):1505-9
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