Re: [文法] feel like 與that子句
※ 引述《IrwinC (Estonian)》之銘言:
: 文法書上說,that子句不可置於介系詞之後
: 例如:I'm worried about that he might loose.(wrong)
: 而補救方式有:
: 1.加the fact(I'm worried about the fact that he might loose)
: 2.that子句改成所有格+動名詞(I'm worried about his being likely to loose)
: 3.直接去掉介係詞
: 但如果感官動詞後面加子句
: 例如這一句:
: I feel like i am in the hell,感覺尋常見
: 我總覺得它是I feel like "that" I am in the hell把that省略
: 可是這樣不是跟that不能放在介系詞之後的概念衝突了??
: 這個...我該怎麼理解它??
: 還是說feel like+子句應理解為非正式文法??
(1)the fact 可用 which代替嗎?
變成:I'm worried about which he might loose.
Still,in spite of the frequency with which the bison were hunted by the Indians
,the huge herds remained largely unaffected.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自:
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05/31 15:21, , 1F
05/31 15:21, 1F
05/31 15:21, , 2F
05/31 15:21, 2F
※ 編輯: rargb (, 05/31/2014 22:25:46
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