[請益] were 改為 those 是否可以?

看板Eng-Class (英文板)作者 (pk)時間1年前 (2023/05/03 11:03), 編輯推噓1(1016)
留言17則, 4人參與, 11月前最新討論串1/1
想請教各位先進, Among the study participants over the age of 40, the sedentary were almost twice as likely to die during the course of the study than were participants who were highly active. 以上這個句子中, 第三行 participants 前面的 were 可以改為 those 嗎? 謝謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1683083009.A.E23.html

05/04 08:43, 1年前 , 1F
05/04 08:43, 1F

05/04 08:44, 1年前 , 2F
05/04 08:44, 2F

05/04 21:42, 11月前 , 3F
05/04 21:42, 3F

05/07 18:23, 11月前 , 4F
原句:the sedentary were almost as likely to die
05/07 18:23, 4F

05/07 18:24, 11月前 , 5F
during the course of the study than the
05/07 18:24, 5F

05/07 18:25, 11月前 , 6F
participants who were highly active were
05/07 18:25, 6F

05/07 18:27, 11月前 , 7F
因為副詞子句的主詞the participants帶有修飾語who
05/07 18:27, 7F

05/07 18:28, 11月前 , 8F
were highly active,所以會將子句裡的動詞were倒裝移
05/07 18:28, 8F

05/07 18:29, 11月前 , 9F
到the participants之前
05/07 18:29, 9F

05/07 18:32, 11月前 , 10F
你所謂的改成those只是將the participants改成those
05/07 18:32, 10F

05/07 18:33, 11月前 , 11F
05/07 18:33, 11F

05/07 18:34, 11月前 , 12F
05/07 18:34, 12F

05/07 18:37, 11月前 , 13F
05/07 18:37, 13F

05/08 22:13, 11月前 , 14F
請問j大, 那是說用 those 也可以嗎?但只是無倒裝, 對嗎?
05/08 22:13, 14F

05/09 18:08, 11月前 , 15F
05/09 18:08, 15F

05/21 22:06, 11月前 , 16F
是 但是用those的話 後面participants就不要了 寫了
05/21 22:06, 16F

05/21 22:06, 11月前 , 17F
也可以 但通常就是贅字一枚而已
05/21 22:06, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1aKSy1uZ (Eng-Class)
文章代碼(AID): #1aKSy1uZ (Eng-Class)