[文法] of your own 或 on your own

看板Eng-Class (英文板)作者 (pk)時間7月前 (2023/09/05 14:26), 編輯推噓2(207)
留言9則, 2人參與, 7月前最新討論串1/1
想請問各位先進, For the health and safety of people, Guinness World Records has changed some of the rules to keep people from trying such dangerous things. So, if you want to set a record (10) your own, think about something safe and interesting instead. 10. (A) of (B) on 請問這題要選 A 或 B 比較合理呢? 謝謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1693895199.A.62B.html

09/06 02:19, 7月前 , 1F
A吧 屬於自己的紀錄
09/06 02:19, 1F

09/06 02:19, 7月前 , 2F
on one’s own是by oneself的意思
09/06 02:19, 2F

09/06 07:17, 7月前 , 3F
c大,那為何 on your own 靠自己創紀錄,在這段裡不行呢
09/06 07:17, 3F

09/06 07:17, 7月前 , 4F
09/06 07:17, 4F

09/06 08:06, 7月前 , 5F
這題確實不是很好的題目 但從前文判斷 of your own是
09/06 08:06, 5F

09/06 08:06, 7月前 , 6F
比較好的選擇 文章也比較前後連貫
09/06 08:06, 6F

09/06 08:07, 7月前 , 7F
09/06 08:07, 7F

09/06 08:07, 7月前 , 8F
09/06 08:07, 8F

09/06 08:51, 7月前 , 9F
09/06 08:51, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1azieVOh (Eng-Class)
文章代碼(AID): #1azieVOh (Eng-Class)