[Talk] After broke up

看板EngTalk (全英文聊天)作者 (Andante)時間18年前 (2007/05/20 01:19), 編輯推噓20(20033)
留言53則, 21人參與, 最新討論串1/1
My boyfriend dumped me... It's really hurt!!! What can I do....... I miss him so much..... The most painful thing is that we are still classmates...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/20 01:48, , 1F
cheer up!
05/20 01:48, 1F

05/20 02:28, , 2F
05/20 02:28, 2F

05/20 09:26, , 3F
Time will heal everything... Cheer up
05/20 09:26, 3F

05/20 09:27, , 4F
I had the same experience as you... but somehow
05/20 09:27, 4F

05/20 09:27, , 5F
the life still goes on... let it go naturally
05/20 09:27, 5F

05/20 16:29, , 6F
find another boyfriend
05/20 16:29, 6F

05/20 17:11, , 7F
wush u did learn some thing from the relationship
05/20 17:11, 7F

05/20 23:11, , 8F
push "let it go naturally" cheer up
05/20 23:11, 8F

05/20 23:21, , 9F
maybe you need a long holiday,travelling is a good way
05/20 23:21, 9F

05/20 23:23, , 10F
to make yourself better, or you'll still think bad...
05/20 23:23, 10F

05/20 23:31, , 11F
she says "classmates" so I think she's a stu now.
05/20 23:31, 11F

05/20 23:31, , 12F
you can wait for summer vocation to travel. It can
05/20 23:31, 12F

05/20 23:32, , 13F
relax your frame !!
05/20 23:32, 13F

05/20 23:33, , 14F
Being a student,maybe she can skip some classes to let
05/20 23:33, 14F

05/20 23:35, , 15F
herself better. She can't learn well in bad mood,so
05/20 23:35, 15F

05/20 23:36, , 16F
before the final exam coming,trying to cheer up is
05/20 23:36, 16F

05/20 23:37, , 17F
05/20 23:37, 17F

05/21 01:22, , 18F
The only thing can really cure a broken heart is
05/21 01:22, 18F

05/21 01:24, , 19F
time, I heard this from TV show, indeed, just do wh
05/21 01:24, 19F

05/21 01:25, , 20F
what can make you relax
05/21 01:25, 20F

05/21 02:13, , 21F
bbyyy is right, I did not learn well in bad
05/21 02:13, 21F

05/21 02:14, , 22F
mood :( But it is hard to contral (mood)
05/21 02:14, 22F

05/21 02:15, , 23F
I know that "time" will take everything, but
05/21 02:15, 23F

05/21 02:16, , 24F
it has been almost one year....
05/21 02:16, 24F

05/21 02:16, , 25F
In fact, I got better than before, but I can't
05/21 02:16, 25F

05/21 02:17, , 26F
stop thinking about him.....
05/21 02:17, 26F

05/21 12:34, , 27F
Don't think "you can't stop thinking about him..."
05/21 12:34, 27F

05/21 13:13, , 28F
If you have chances, trying to make friends with more
05/21 13:13, 28F

05/21 13:14, , 29F
guys, then you'll forget the last one. Broken heart will
05/21 13:14, 29F

05/21 13:15, , 30F
stay fora long time if you don't do anything just
05/21 13:15, 30F

05/21 13:15, , 31F
thinking and thinking....
05/21 13:15, 31F

05/21 13:16, , 32F
Cheer up! You can have your life good.
05/21 13:16, 32F

05/21 16:51, , 33F
never mind. cheer up.
05/21 16:51, 33F

05/21 18:24, , 34F
You can find me, we make sexytime, you forget about bf
05/21 18:24, 34F

05/22 21:55, , 35F
I had the same experience as you....
05/22 21:55, 35F

05/22 21:55, , 36F
Cheer up! Long time passing, you will find that
05/22 21:55, 36F

05/22 21:56, , 37F
everything will be okay...And your smile will still
05/22 21:56, 37F

05/22 21:56, , 38F
beautiful and shiny.
05/22 21:56, 38F

05/23 11:50, , 39F
do your best in studying...make some hobby..do the best
05/23 11:50, 39F

05/23 11:56, , 40F
what you are doing...no need to think the past
05/23 11:56, 40F

05/23 15:07, , 41F
Let bygones be bygones!!
05/23 15:07, 41F

05/25 16:24, , 42F
what a pain....go through it or transfer...XD
05/25 16:24, 42F

05/26 01:47, , 43F
Just let it be!
05/26 01:47, 43F

05/26 12:50, , 44F
so what?? There is always somebody right waiting for you
05/26 12:50, 44F

05/28 09:47, , 45F
There's a better way in the top!
05/28 09:47, 45F

06/03 00:28, , 46F
don't worry about that! you're still young and there's
06/03 00:28, 46F

06/03 00:29, , 47F
much more exciting things waiting for you...
06/03 00:29, 47F

06/03 00:29, , 48F
so just let it go, you'll be fine.
06/03 00:29, 48F

06/06 22:43, , 49F
It's delighting to learn that love comes, but we
06/06 22:43, 49F

06/06 22:44, , 50F
don't have to be sad when love leaves. It's the
06/06 22:44, 50F

06/06 22:44, , 51F
wind that brings love and also takes it away.
06/06 22:44, 51F

09/21 11:15, , 52F
not a big deal!Gal, his left is his lose.u can deserve
09/21 11:15, 52F

09/21 11:17, , 53F
another better boy waiting for u in th future^^
09/21 11:17, 53F
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