[Ask ] English books for senior high student

看板EngTalk (全英文聊天)作者 (30公分有餘)時間10年前 (2015/02/02 22:04), 編輯推噓1(1021)
留言22則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
hi everyone I m a 12grade student I have just finished my 學測today I have already thought about improving my English so I m here asking the mighty Ptt users if there is books proper for 12grade students by the way my English level is about toeic885 gept mid -high level thanks for ur help sorry for mobile editing -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EngTalk/M.1422885880.A.58E.html

02/02 23:16, , 1F
Maybe make a visit to Cavesbooks? haha you are a
02/02 23:16, 1F

02/02 23:17, , 2F
hard-working student!
02/02 23:17, 2F

02/02 23:19, , 3F
or you can go to Bookman or Crane(文鶴)
02/02 23:19, 3F

02/03 00:06, , 4F
I m afraid I bought books that r too hard
02/03 00:06, 4F

02/03 00:09, , 5F
but I m afraid I bought books too hard . however
02/03 00:09, 5F

02/03 00:09, , 6F
a Ptt user sent me a letter and I'll take his s
02/03 00:09, 6F

02/03 00:09, , 7F
uggestions.maybe cave has it . thanks both of u^^
02/03 00:09, 7F

02/03 00:09, , 8F
gosh I sent it twice....
02/03 00:09, 8F

02/03 00:10, , 9F
well, pick a book and scan the context to see
02/03 00:10, 9F

02/03 00:11, , 10F
if there're too many vocabularies you don't know
02/03 00:11, 10F

02/03 00:50, , 11F
if there r too many vocabularies i dont know....
02/03 00:50, 11F

02/03 00:50, , 12F
02/03 00:50, 12F

02/03 13:13, , 13F
take a look: http://ppt.cc/uGtz
02/03 13:13, 13F

02/03 15:41, , 14F
by the way, do you live in Taipei or New Taipei
02/03 15:41, 14F

02/03 15:42, , 15F
02/03 15:42, 15F

02/04 00:14, , 16F
great way and I live in kaohsiung
02/04 00:14, 16F

02/04 00:23, , 17F
i'm not familiar with Kaohsiung. anyways you
02/04 00:23, 17F

02/04 00:24, , 18F
can go to public libraries to take out some
02/04 00:24, 18F

02/04 00:25, , 19F
English books
02/04 00:25, 19F

02/04 00:56, , 20F
I would like to buy a new one. i have found the b
02/04 00:56, 20F

02/04 00:56, , 21F
ookstore. thanks for your enthusiasm
02/04 00:56, 21F

02/14 01:22, , 22F
02/14 01:22, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1KpuFuME (EngTalk)
文章代碼(AID): #1KpuFuME (EngTalk)