[Joke] Black Monkey is Niggar Fuck You Niggar已刪文
Fuck you niggar
black monkey are the badest animal in the word
i see one black monkey of usa in my shool
i only say to my frined i want to buy niggar (那個)
i am say about the i phone i want to buy i pone
but the balck moneky angery anrey to say i cannot say niggar(那個)
fuck you niggar why i can not say那個 to my frineds
who are you to talk i can not say那個
那個is chinese mean that thing
i want to buy that thing i wnat to buy i pone
i cannot say that?
fuck you niggar
usa niggar is the badest
fuck you guck you
you are monky from Afriac
usa white kidnapp africa monky to usa
so i canno say 那個?
fuck you niggar
go back to your usa and africa
usa white are also badest
usa white are form EURO
EURP people kill american Indinas to build usa
then they say usa is theri thing
fuck you
usa is for america indianos
fuck you
afro monkey and Eruo cunt = usa
fuck you
台灣建國烈士鄭南榕 https://i.imgur.com/QOQpH1n.jpg

為獨立建國英勇犧牲 https://i.imgur.com/KZSWawV.jpg

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