[考試] mar 20 singapore 心得分享

看板GRE (GRE入學考試)作者 (火腿)時間18年前 (2007/03/20 14:39), 編輯推噓148(14808)
留言156則, 151人參與, 最新討論串1/1
I can't type chinese here. So I share what I saw by English. Verbal 470 Math 800 actually, I don't satisfy with the grade I have. But I am really a bad luck guy. the first short reading comprehesion is appeared at the question 4 and 5 the first long reading comprehesion is appeared at the question 7 8 9 10 the long one is really hard to understand..... XD.... anyway hope everyone can get the grade you want, sincrely I would like to share all of the jijing I get from South Korea If you need it, just repose it I will deal with it after I come back to my sweet home issue 28 In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books. issue 38 The study of history places too much emphasis on indivisuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten. argument 26 The following appeared in an article written by Dr. karp, an anthropologist... verbal dislocate : place = coarsen : texture (? I am not quite sure about this) grouch : disgruntling = lout : facetious inmoderate or moderate <> rally : meeting = exudos : departure ruminate sedition reading comprehesion short 有關北美初期家庭手工業以及手工縫製的東西 這種傳統手工業 讓婦女也有經濟能力 但是後來因為工業發展而沒落 傳統產品四散各處 接下來因為有人刻意收藏 而使得流落在外的文物減少 但有教授認為這反而有利文物保存 兩題考題 一題大綱 一題考最後教授的想法imply什麼? 不知道我有沒有看錯 大家就當參考吧... 長篇閱讀真的太難了 我看不懂 XD math very simple. Just remember do it carefully and patiently -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hamungos 來自: (03/20 14:40)

03/20 14:43, , 1F
chichiyyy@gmail.com 您考不錯了!!加油
03/20 14:43, 1F

03/20 14:54, , 2F
g934327@alumni.nthu.edu.tw 加油..祝申請順利
03/20 14:54, 2F

03/20 15:10, , 3F
92202021@nccu.edu.tw thanks alot
03/20 15:10, 3F

03/20 15:10, , 4F
piranha0830@yahoo.com.tw 一起加油!
03/20 15:10, 4F

03/20 15:13, , 5F
tippi246@gmail.com thanks a lot
03/20 15:13, 5F

03/20 15:14, , 6F
litttlemo@gate.sinica.edu.tw 謝謝歐!!加ꨠ
03/20 15:14, 6F

03/20 15:16, , 7F
acelee.zero@gmail.com <-下星期要考 謝謝!
03/20 15:16, 7F

03/20 15:26, , 8F
katherinetien@yahoo.com.tw 謝謝
03/20 15:26, 8F

03/20 15:30, , 9F
shawn.ece93g@nctu.edu.tw 祝申請順利
03/20 15:30, 9F

03/20 15:37, , 10F
03/20 15:37, 10F

03/20 15:39, , 11F
zhaosw0522@yahoo.com.tw 祝您順利唷~
03/20 15:39, 11F

03/20 15:57, , 12F
03/20 15:57, 12F

03/20 16:03, , 13F
95258023@nccu.edu.tw 謝謝
03/20 16:03, 13F

03/20 16:30, , 14F
ml10411@hotmail.com 恭喜唷
03/20 16:30, 14F

03/20 16:31, , 15F
stupistake@yahoo.com.tw thanks a lot!
03/20 16:31, 15F

03/20 16:39, , 16F
wenchien@ntu.edu.tw 感謝你的經驗分享
03/20 16:39, 16F

03/20 16:40, , 17F
idislog@hotmail.com 感謝
03/20 16:40, 17F

03/20 16:47, , 18F
maviszizek@gmail.com Thanks a lot
03/20 16:47, 18F

03/20 17:07, , 19F
u940171@oz.nthu.edu.tw 謝謝你^^
03/20 17:07, 19F

03/20 17:09, , 20F
agnesbagete@yahoo.com.tw 謝謝分享
03/20 17:09, 20F

03/20 17:13, , 21F
evenroll@gmail.com 感謝~
03/20 17:13, 21F

03/20 17:14, , 22F
chaohsu0218@hotmail.com 感謝分享~~^^
03/20 17:14, 22F

03/20 17:15, , 23F
cckliang@yahoo.com.tw 感謝分享
03/20 17:15, 23F

03/20 17:16, , 24F
謝謝你 r92449007@ntu.edu.tw
03/20 17:16, 24F

03/20 17:21, , 25F
ph_lmar@yahoo.com.tw 感恩!祝您申請順利~
03/20 17:21, 25F

03/20 17:26, , 26F
smallsean21th@gmail.com 感激!!
03/20 17:26, 26F

03/20 17:27, , 27F
tnaxjuly@hotmail.com thanks !!
03/20 17:27, 27F

03/20 17:27, , 28F
i27336366@yahoo.com.tw 感謝分享!!
03/20 17:27, 28F

03/20 17:33, , 29F
kcchen@nhri.org.tw 謝謝分享!!
03/20 17:33, 29F

03/20 17:46, , 30F
yabtHung@gmail.com 祝申請順利 ^^
03/20 17:46, 30F

03/20 17:48, , 31F
gonnacrazychick@gmail.com thx
03/20 17:48, 31F

03/20 17:49, , 32F
heidi.yang@msa.hinet.net Thanks~
03/20 17:49, 32F

03/20 18:03, , 33F
sunny3amy7@hotmail.com 真的很謝謝你^^
03/20 18:03, 33F

03/20 18:14, , 34F
g943585@oz.nthu.edu.tw 加油!
03/20 18:14, 34F

03/20 18:18, , 35F
chien1120@yahoo.com.tw 祝申請順利~
03/20 18:18, 35F

03/20 18:33, , 36F
謝謝~ icedike@gmail.com 加油
03/20 18:33, 36F

03/20 18:33, , 37F
cypresses103@gmail.com thanks a lot!
03/20 18:33, 37F

03/20 18:37, , 38F
sunaj23h@gmail.com 謝謝你, 你人真好^^
03/20 18:37, 38F

03/20 18:42, , 39F
leehaoliu@gmail.com 謝謝好心人~
03/20 18:42, 39F
還有 78 則推文
03/21 23:43, , 118F
r93548042@ntu.edu.tw 感謝!
03/21 23:43, 118F

03/21 23:48, , 119F
92702005@nccu.edu.tw 非常感謝您!
03/21 23:48, 119F

03/22 00:20, , 120F
cityblue1210@yahoo.com.tw 謝謝分享
03/22 00:20, 120F

03/22 00:38, , 121F
sw11236@hotmail.com thx^^
03/22 00:38, 121F

03/22 00:45, , 122F
fiveseasons7@yahoo.com 非常謝謝
03/22 00:45, 122F

03/22 02:05, , 123F
tzengyen@gmail.com 大家一起加油吧!
03/22 02:05, 123F

03/22 02:20, , 124F
r94627019@ntu.edu.tw 謝謝
03/22 02:20, 124F

03/22 02:22, , 125F
b92b02002@ntu.edu.tw 感激~
03/22 02:22, 125F

03/22 02:32, , 126F
r94244009@ntu.edu.tw 謝謝你^^
03/22 02:32, 126F

03/22 03:10, , 127F
u920871@oz.nthu.edu.tw Thanks!
03/22 03:10, 127F

03/22 08:11, , 128F
ian_chen74123@hotmail.com Thanks a lot!
03/22 08:11, 128F

03/22 08:12, , 129F
or b92612008@ntu.edu.tw
03/22 08:12, 129F

03/22 09:38, , 130F
m6chew@yahoo.com.tw 辛苦了~ 謝謝!!
03/22 09:38, 130F

03/22 10:26, , 131F
bigoldexp@yahoo.com.tw 謝謝啦
03/22 10:26, 131F

03/22 11:00, , 132F
dannych2000@gmail.com 非常感謝
03/22 11:00, 132F

03/22 12:43, , 133F
Jackielee21@gmail.com 超級感謝 ^^
03/22 12:43, 133F

03/22 15:31, , 134F
arvin199@yahoo.com.tw GOOD LUCK!
03/22 15:31, 134F

03/22 16:34, , 135F
b92801020@ntu.edu.tw 謝謝!!!^^
03/22 16:34, 135F

03/22 16:38, , 136F
jasonj_free@yahoo.com.tw thx a lot!!
03/22 16:38, 136F

03/22 17:14, , 137F
03/22 17:14, 137F

03/22 19:14, , 138F
g9522531@oz.nthu.edu.tw 謝謝
03/22 19:14, 138F
※ 編輯: hamungos 來自: (03/22 19:46)

03/22 19:47, , 139F
我回到家了 並且補上短篇閱讀 希望有幫助
03/22 19:47, 139F

03/22 23:20, , 140F
nz_huang@hotmail.com 感謝分享 謝謝
03/22 23:20, 140F

03/22 23:29, , 141F
weibowei@gmail.com 謝謝啦~~
03/22 23:29, 141F

03/23 01:12, , 142F
chrishttseng@gmail.com 謝謝你!!
03/23 01:12, 142F

03/23 05:04, , 143F
weisouchen@gmail.com 謝謝啦~
03/23 05:04, 143F

03/23 15:20, , 144F
r95621111@ntu.edu.tw 大感謝!!!
03/23 15:20, 144F

03/24 01:05, , 145F
keom60@yahoo.com.tw 謝謝你 ^^
03/24 01:05, 145F

03/25 19:25, , 146F
luek1n@gmail.com 感謝您
03/25 19:25, 146F

03/26 18:33, , 147F
已經全部寄出 若有人沒收到 請寄信給我
03/26 18:33, 147F

03/26 22:36, , 148F
r90921048@ntu.edu.tw thanks
03/26 22:36, 148F

03/28 17:24, , 149F
03/28 17:24, 149F

03/30 09:41, , 150F
03/30 09:41, 150F

04/12 14:46, , 151F
cody.me92@nctu.edu.tw 謝謝你了
04/12 14:46, 151F

07/27 01:38, , 152F
g9400512@ms94.nttu.edu.tw 感恩
07/27 01:38, 152F

08/14 10:27, , 153F
lowwing3906@hotmail.com 感謝您了
08/14 10:27, 153F

11/13 23:31, , 154F
11/13 23:31, 154F

06/27 00:32, , 155F
kjyamg1986@yahoo.com.tw 謝謝
06/27 00:32, 155F

03/19 11:20, , 156F
96208036@nccu.edu.tw 感恩感恩!
03/19 11:20, 156F
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文章代碼(AID): #15_u6ez8 (GRE)