[字彙] 紅寶 p.312

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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/24271015 mirage mir(to wonder at)-age n.海市蜃樓 [an optical phenomenon, esp. in the desert or at sea, by which the image of some object appears displaced above, below, or to one side of its true position as a result of spatial variations of the index of refraction of air.] ps.海市蜃樓的物理原因,它是一種光學現象,由(1)不同溫度的空氣有不同的折射率, (2)再加上全反射而產生的。 mirage:illusory mire n.沼澤 bog 與 mire也是濕地的一種,他是由酸性的泥煤,或是死掉的植物的分解物,所堆積而 成的濕地。 bog 與 mire常出現於地面上的水是酸性的地方,不管是本身的地面上的水、 或者是降雨的水是酸性的都可以。 Bog濕地,的特色之一就是他的水通常帶有棕色。 請review p.302的整理 mirth n.歡笑;高興 [Gladness and gaiety(快樂), especially when expressed by laughter.] ps. mirth 就是"高興",是比較文學上的說法,這種高興的表現手法是笑。 ex. I seek to be capable of sharing the mirth with my people. 題外:我印象比比深的是,在酷拉皮卡《窟盧塔族祈禱文》中有用到這個字。 mirth:laughter=approval:applause 笑聲代表歡樂=鼓掌表示贊同 misanthrope miso(Gk. misos;hate)-anthrope(man) n.厭惡人類的人 [One who hates or mistrusts humankind.] 字構:miso + anthrope ,字首miso-是hate的意思。 mischief mis-chief(head) n.頑皮,淘氣,胡鬧 [conduct or activity that playfully causes petty annoyance.] ex. What mischief is he up to? 他在搞什麼惡作劇? 大家應該有聽過 achieve 這個字吧 a(to) + chief(頭;head) 概念是to come to a head, 所以achieve的字義為to bring to a successful end. 而mischief的概念則是:to end badly 字首 mis-,它本身的含意是負面的,有 ill、mistaken、wrong、的概念 a British comedy film mischievous mis-chief-ous adj.頑皮的,淘氣的,胡鬧的 [maliciously or playfully annoying.] mischievous:imp 頑皮淘氣的:頑童 miscreant mis-cre(cred;belief)-ant adj.無賴的 [depraved, villainous, or base.] n.無賴 [a vicious or depraved person; villain.] ex. As for riding down that atrocious miscreant, I regard it as an act of virtue, sir, like stamping on a cockroach. 至於你騎馬踩死那個十惡不赦的壞蛋,我認為是件好事,就像踩死一隻蟑螂一樣。 字源:原指的是異教徒,mis是錯誤的意思,cre是believe,後來在1590年才有villain的 意思 miscreant:criminal miser n.守財奴 [a person who lives in wretched circumstances in order to save and hoard money.] ps.就是指一個人死都不花錢,即時住在很惡劣的環境也甘願。 n.吝嗇的人 [a stingy, avaricious person.] ps.指的是小氣,又貪婪的人 ex. Fear that someone might steal his money obsessed the old miser. 怕有人會偷錢的恐懼困擾著這個老吝嗇鬼。 字源: from L. miser (adj.) "unhappy, wretched" 在拉丁文中miser是指unhappy,而money-hoarding person是在15xx年才出現的。 miser:thrift=chauvinist:patriotism 吝嗇鬼過分節儉=沙文主義者過分愛國 miserly miser-ly adj.吝嗇的;貪婪的 [Of, relating to, or characteristic of a miser] ex. He is miserly with both his time and his money. misgiving mis-giving n.顧慮 [a feeling of doubt, distrust, or apprehension.;misgiving suggests often sudden apprehension] ps.我們用misgiving 指突忽而來的擔心 ex. She has some misgivings about what she is about to do. misgiving <> certainty review p.100 ---------------------------------------- qualm n.緊張不安 [不安與無法自我肯定的感覺] qualm is a disturbing feeling of uneasiness and self-doubt: "an ignorant ruffianly gaucho, who . . . would . . . fight, steal, and do other naughty things without a qualm" (W.H. Hudson). scruple n.疑慮 [對行為的意義感到良心上或原則上的疑慮] scruple is an uneasy feeling arising from conscience or principle about a course of action: "My father's old-fashioned notions boggled a little at first to this arrangement . . . but his scruples were in the end overruled" (John Galt). compunction n.良心不安 [對錯誤的行為感到痛苦] compunction implies a prick or twinge of conscience aroused by wrongdoing or the prospect of wrongdoing: stole the money without compunction. misgiving n.顧慮 [突忽而來的擔心] misgiving suggests often sudden apprehension: had misgivings about quitting his job. ---------------------------------------- misinform mis-inform v.告訴錯誤的消息;誤導 [to give false or misleading information to] ex. The media are misinforming people. misnomer mis-nom(name)-er [nominate v.提名] n.誤稱 [An error in naming a person or place.] ps.比方說我們說「鉛筆, pencil lead」,但實際中沒有"鉛"而是碳,這就是一種 misnomer。 ex. The so-called "lead" in a pencil is not lead at all, but chiefly a different form of carbon called graphite. And that is an example of misnomer. misperceive mis-perceive v.誤解 [to understand or perceive incorrectly; misunderstand.] ps. perceive per(thoroughly)-ceive(take) v.察覺;感知 "interview" misrepresent mis-represent v.[If someone misrepresents a person or situation, they give a wrong or inaccurate account of what the person or situation is like.] ex. to misrepresent facts misrepresentation mis-represent-ation n.不實的陳述 ps. 他有法律上的用法,see wiki -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/05 17:32, , 1F
04/05 17:32, 1F

04/05 17:33, , 2F
我想推mirage turn XD~~~有看有推!!!
04/05 17:33, 2F

04/06 08:06, , 3F
04/06 08:06, 3F

04/07 14:15, , 4F
04/07 14:15, 4F
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