Re: [心得] 3/21 BC IELTS考題

看板IELTS (IELTS雅思)作者 (找回那自己的榮耀)時間16年前 (2009/03/23 18:31), 編輯推噓0(004)
留言4則, 2人參與, 最新討論串2/4 (看更多)
※ 引述《kiri (IELTS加油)》之銘言: : 口說部份: 我被問到的是: 1. Live in an Apartment or house? What can you see through the window? What is on the wall of your room? Do you erercise? What is your favorite sport? 2. An interesting news. Where did you see it? Why is it interesting? 3. Media: Newspaperm, TV and Internet 跟其他人比較起來 感覺考題還蠻多元的 應該是random的 不過我今天早上去台北考場 考官感覺有點嚴肅 一開始有點不耐煩? 偶爾才擠出笑容= =" : part1 :work or student, what's your full name, do you like swim? : (我沒被問到hometown) : part2:describe someone you admire ( 我是星期天考的 ) : talk about a friend you have (這是戰友星期六的考題) : part 3:do you want to be a famous person, what do you think whether people : become famous can still have private life(這是我星期天的) : talke about the detail relationshipe between you and your friend : (星期六戰友的) -- 當你真心想完成一件事時 整個宇宙都會聯合起來幫助你完成 When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jerchc 來自: (03/23 18:33)

03/23 18:47, , 1F
By the way, 不知道有沒有人認識3/23一位考生張榕珊呢?
03/23 18:47, 1F

03/23 19:19, , 2F
03/23 19:19, 2F
※ 編輯: jerchc 來自: (03/23 19:35)

03/23 19:36, , 3F
暈倒 還打錯字 謝謝指正~ 其實講flat會比較道地~
03/23 19:36, 3F

03/23 20:22, , 4F
03/23 20:22, 4F
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