[分享] Academic Writing 注意事項
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Sentences: Sentences in academic writing never begin with the following:
so, but, and, also.
"So" "but" "and" are used in the middle of sentences, to
link clauses.
"Also" is used just after the verb "be" or just before any
other verb (after the Subject).
Generally, relative clauses must have a relative pronoun
(which/whose) and a verb.
Spelling: This is a major issue for some of you.
If you are typing, please use spell-check, and make a note of
words you regularly mis-s so that you don't have the same
problem next time you write those words.
(However, grammar-check is unreliable. I don't recommend using it.)
Plurals: If we are talking about something generally,
we usually use the plural form without an article:
e.g. "Toyota produces cars."
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(1) Don't personalise: In academic writing,
don't use "I", "my", "we", "our", "you" or "your".
Your writing needs to express your views
without personalising the language.
Instead of "I will show that ..."
try "This paragraph will demonstrate that ...",
or instead of "We can see", try "It can be seen".
I've told you this a number of times, but many of you are still doing it.
(2) Don't use subjective language: Avoid expressions
like "Obviously", "Of course", "As we know", etc.
Nothing is obvious until you make it obvious.
Do not assume that "we" know anything.
Your opinion may be completely different to mine,
so you have to back it up and prove it.
Avoid absolutes like "definitely", "perfect", "always", "everyone", and so on.
Avoid emotional words like "wonderful", "gorgeous", "tragic", and so on.
They do not sound objective.
(3) Don't use casual language: Avoid "besides", "by the way", "lots of".
These are either spoken expressions,
or something you'd write in an email to a friend.
Be specific: If you refer to "people", or "some people",
or even "many people",
you need be specific about who you mean.
Do you mean Chinese consumers?
Middle-income families? Twenty-year-old beauty queens?
Elderly African teachers?
Unemployed gay Swedish dentists?
Academic discourse
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You must learn to tell the difference between
facts and opinions in your own writing.
Read your own essays critically.
Back up your supporting points with evidence and examples.
Don't make broad claims without references or evidence.
~ 踏著夢想的浪花前進 ~
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