[情報] 誠摯敬邀 2010應用語言學國際學術研討會
2010 NCYU International Conference on Applied Linguistics (ICAL 2010)
Conference date:November 26-27, 2010
Site: National Chiayi University (NCYU), Chiayi, Taiwan
Conference Theme (會議主題):
Diverse Languages for Diverse Audiences
I. Plenary, Invited and Featured Speakers:
1. Professor John Rickford (Stanford University)
Topic: Stability, Change and Stylistic Variation in the Language of Individuals
and Communities over Time
2. Professor Chu-Ren Huang (黃居仁教授) (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Topic: Applied Linguistics: 應用或致用 (Applied Linguistics: Application by
Demand or Application by Design)
3. Professor Kathleen Ahrens (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Topic: Theoretical Modeling in Psycholinguistics
4. Professor Gerald Duchovnay (Texas A&M University-Commerce)
Topic: Film, Language, and Culture
5. Professor Tsuyako Nakamura (Doshisha University, Janpan)
Topic: The Concept of Interpretation as a Successful Intercultural
6. Dr. Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo (Australian Institute of Crimonology)
Topic: Does It Matter How We Describe Cybercrime?
7. Parallel session (A) Language Teaching and Learning: Future Direction and
James H-Y. Tai (戴浩一教授, National Chung Chen University)
I-Wen Su (蘇以文教授, National Taiwan University)
Hsi-Yao Su (蘇席瑤教授, National Chung Chen University)
8. Parallel session (B) Language Teaching and Learning: Future Direction and
Wu-Chang Chang (張武昌教授, National Taiwan Normal University)
Kuang-Hsiung Yu (余光雄教授, Overseas Chinese University)
David S. D Tseng (曾守得教授, Asia University)
9. Parallel Session (C) Translation: Research and Pedagogy
Chen- Chen Tseng (曾珍珍教授, National Dong Hwa University)
Chen-Ching Li (李振清教授, Shih Hsin University)
Tai-Tzong Kuo (郭岱宗教授, Tamkang University)
10. Parallel Session (D) ESP: Course Design and Implication
Ying-Huei Chen (陳英輝教授, China University of Technology)
Hui-Tzu Min (閔慧慈教授, National Cheng Kung University)
Ching-Kang Liu, (劉慶剛教授, National Taipei University)
The topics and abstracts of the plenary and invited speeches are available
now! Please refer to our website:
II. Parallel speeches:
A1: 社會語言學(Sociolinguistics)
A2: 翻譯學 (Translation and Interpretation)
A3: 英語教學 (Language Teaching/Learning)
A4: 認知語言學 (Cognition Linguistics)
B1: 言談分析 (Discourse Analysis)
B2:語意學 (Semantics)
B3:電腦輔助學習 (Computer Assisted Language Learning)
B4: 資料庫語言學 (Corpus Linguistics)
C1: 第二語言習得 (Second Language Acquisition)
C2: 語言測驗與評量(Language Testing and Evaluation)
C3: 專業英語 (Language for Specific Purposes)
C4: 第二語言習得 (Second Language Acquisition)
D1: 多語與多元文化(Multilingualism and multiculturalism)
D2: 語言學與文化 (Linguistics and Culture)
D3: 語言習得 (Language Acquisition)
D4: 語言教學 (Language Teaching and Learning)
▇ ICAL 2010 會議日期:2010年11月26-27日
▇ 會議地點:國立嘉義大學民雄校區
▇ 會議報名:2010年10月25日以前報名,將確保您的名字出現在會議手冊中
▇ 會議研習證明:本會議將提供研習證明
▇ 會議網址: http://sites.google.com/site/ical2010/
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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