[徵稿] SICOL-2024: The 2024 Seoul International Conference on

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SICOL-2024: The 2024 Seoul International Conference on Linguistics The Linguistic Society of Korea (LSK) is pleased to announce the 2024 Seoul International Conference on Linguistics (SICOL-2024) to be held in a hybrid format on August 8-9 (Thur-Fri), 2024 at Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea. Call for Papers: The theme for SICOL-2024 is ‘Reenvisioning linguistic creativity: Language and AI in interaction.’ Recent advances in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have significant implications for academia in general and language education and research specifically. Linguistic research utilizing AIs usually focuses on what they can do with language. There are growing discussions of how AIs based on a large language model (LLM) understand and use language. Less investigated, however, has been the possible role of novel generative AI tools, such as AI LLM chatbots, in assisting researchers in the conception, development, and execution of research and data analysis. SICOL-2024 provides a forum for the presentation of cutting-edge research focused on the theoretical and empirical study of ‘language research in the era of post-generative AI’ from both perspectives: what AIs can do with language and what they can do for linguists. The SICOL-2024 organizing committee welcomes abstract submissions for 20- minute oral presentations, followed by 10 minutes for discussion and questions . We invite papers related to the conference theme such as applications of AI in language research, language education, and communication. We also invite papers from all subfields of linguistics (morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse, language acquisition, variation, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics). Equal consideration will be given to papers addressing the conference theme and papers on other topics. Abstract submission guidelines: Abstracts should be submitted via Easy Abstracts (EasyAbs) at the following conference page: https://easyabs.linguistlist.org/conference/SICOL-2024 Follow the online guidelines to upload your abstract in the .pdf format. Only electronic submissions through the aforementioned link will be considered. Abstracts must be anonymous and may not exceed 2 pages (A4 or US letter), including examples (embedded within the text) as well as references, with 2.54 cm (1 inch) margin on all four sides and should employ 12 point Times New Roman font. Submissions are limited to a maximum of one individual and one joint abstract per author, or two joint abstracts per author. Venue and mode: To provide more flexibility to participants, we will offer the option to attend in-person onsite at Kyung Hee University or online via zoom. Inquiries and contact: Please direct any questions about abstract submission and other queries about the conference to the LSK email (lsk202324@gmail.com) or to the program committee (sicol2024@gmail.com). More details about the conference including invited talks, the conference website, registration, etc. will be announced in the second call for papers. Important dates: Abstract submission deadline: May 31, 2024 Notification of acceptance: June 20, 2024 Conference dates: August 8-9, 2024 Conference Chair: Jong-Bok Kim (LSK president, Kyung Hee University) Program Committee Chairs: Se-Eun Jhang (Co-chair, Korea Maritime and Ocean University) Hanjung Lee (Co-chair, Sungkyunkwan University) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Linguistics/M.1713777239.A.860.html

05/27 22:06, 9月前 , 1F
Abstract submission deadline: June 20, 2024
05/27 22:06, 1F

05/27 22:06, 9月前 , 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1c9YfNXW (Linguistics)
文章代碼(AID): #1c9YfNXW (Linguistics)