[北美] Supply Chain被lay off…求上岸!!!

看板Oversea_Job (海外工作)作者 (沒暱稱)時間11月前 (2023/05/01 06:53), 11月前編輯推噓3(305)
留言8則, 3人參與, 11月前最新討論串1/1
大家好 小弟在灣區新創做global supply chain,無奈最近灣區景氣糟糕 被layoff後目前還是 在找工作,OPT七月中要到期了所以很慌,想請本版的前輩如果有缺,還請幫忙介紹 目前在找Global Supply Manager, Procurement Manager, Supply Chain Manager, Buye r, or Business Development Manager 的職務 以下是平常的工作內容以及背景介紹 University of Washington Seattle MS in SCM - 5 years Supply chain experience in tech and manufacturing industry as a Glob al Supply manager and Sales Account Manager - Specialized in Mechanical Commodities Management, cost modeling analysis to negotiate costs with suppliers based in Asia and the US - Collaborated with cross functional teams such as EPM, PD, and MPM on enginee ring development builds to secure material availability - Monitored CTB closely with material teams to ensure material availability an d delivery schedule meet production plans - Brought up suppliers through qualification process such as contracts negotia tions, capacity evaluation, and quality assurance reviews 如果各位大大的公司有缺,還請站內信,或直接mail至信箱 yenchunkao0208@gmail.com 本人感激不盡!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Oversea_Job/M.1682895219.A.88D.html ※ 編輯: KouChan ( 美國), 05/01/2023 06:56:24

05/01 07:20, 11月前 , 1F
05/01 07:20, 1F
是的,目前幫朋友公司做unpaid intern 要在七月中前做stem extension ※ 編輯: KouChan ( 美國), 05/01/2023 07:29:49

05/01 09:56, 11月前 , 2F
05/01 09:56, 2F

05/01 09:57, 11月前 , 3F
幫問了 沒缺QQ 加油
05/01 09:57, 3F

05/01 23:25, 11月前 , 4F
之前看到和碩有在招industrial engineer ,不確定跟你的
05/01 23:25, 4F

05/01 23:25, 11月前 , 5F
05/01 23:25, 5F

05/01 23:26, 11月前 , 6F
另一個唸ieor 的同學是去Asml 當application engineer
05/01 23:26, 6F

05/02 03:32, 11月前 , 7F

05/02 03:33, 11月前 , 8F
05/02 03:33, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1aJl5pYD (Oversea_Job)
文章代碼(AID): #1aJl5pYD (Oversea_Job)