[徵才]UCSD Shadi Dayeh實驗室誠徵博士後以及博已刪文
UCSD Shadi Dayeh老師實驗室誠徵博士後以及博士生。以下文案雖只提到博士後研究員但
A postdoctoral candidate position in thin-film device fabrication and
integration is available in the Integrated Electronics and Biointerfaces
Laboratory (IEBL) at UC San Diego.
The postdoctoral candidate will perform translational research as part of a
large engineering, neurophysiology, and clinical team to develop a wireless
epilepsy monitoring system highlighted in this article.
Expertise in advanced microfabrication techniques and understanding of basic
electronic devices and circuits and data analysis (MATLAB or equivalent) are
Expertise in neural interfaces and their electrochemistry, hardware
programing, is preferred though not required but must be swiftly acquired
during the research at IEBL.
A PhD in Electrical Engineering, Physics, Materials Science and Engineering
(e.g., high level skill in microfabrication of thin film transistors and
sensors, MEMS/NEMS devices, solid-state LEDs on flex) is preferred, or a PhD
in Biomedical Device Engineering with specialization in neural interfaces is
Interested candidates should send their application materials to Prof. Shadi
Dayeh at the email sdayeh@eng.ucsd.edu, which should include:
1. A one-page cover letter that summarizes prior expertise and
accomplishments and how their academic preparation matches the position
described above.
2. A curriculum vitae that includes a complete list of publications and links
to these publications including pre-prints.
3. The names of three reference letter writers.
About us:
The Integrated Electronics and Biointerfaces Laboratory (IEBL) at UC San
Diego develops advanced medical device implants for the human brain and
spinal cord for clinical research and clinical trials at multiple high
profile clinical centers in the US and conducts cutting edge research in
strong partnership with the departments of neurosurgery and neurology at UC
San Diego, Oregon Health and Sciences University, and Massachusetts General
Hospital. The IEBL prepares its members in the fundamental science and
applied technology to lead the future of biomedical and biotechnology device
manufacturing and of advanced electronic material growth, device, and system
level implementation.
IEBL advances salable nanomaufacturing processes and adopts the latest
industry techniques and standards in semiconductor and flexible device
processing to invent and implement the clinical technologies of the future.
IEBL has 4,000 sq ft of dedicated laboratory space with extensive in-house
bench top, material, and device characterization laboratories, a cell culture
lab, and an awake rodent animal test lab. The lab also performs device
implants in the pig animal model at the Center for the Future Surgery and at
the Elliott Field of the UC San Diego as well as manages a smart
institutional review board (sIRB) for the authorization for clinical research
in patients at UC San Diego, Mass General Hospital and OHSU. IEBL is
implementing a GMP (good manufacturing practice) cleanroom lab for the
development of medical devices for FDA approved clinical research.
Recently, the lab received a $12.25M funding from the NIH to develop a
wireless epilepsy monitoring system, an effort that involves over a dozen
labs within and outside UC San Diego. The lab is also currently funded by an
NIH Director’s New Innovator Award to develop LED displays for cortical
activity directly from the surface of the brain to aid neurosurgery, another
NIH R01 grant to develop advanced serializers for brain mapping and from the
NSF for advancing surgical robots.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PhD/M.1664301032.A.7CB.html
※ 編輯: gj94x87 ( 美國), 09/28/2022 01:55:13
※ 編輯: gj94x87 ( 美國), 09/28/2022 01:59:41
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