[徵才] C++ 程式,演算法 工程師

看板Quant (計量經濟/數理金融)作者 (agr)時間9年前 (2015/06/03 16:30), 9年前編輯推噓2(202)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
職務名稱: C++ 程式,演算法 工程師 Software Engineers & Quantitative Programmers 職務類別: 資訊助理人員、軟體設計工程師、統計學研究員 Software Engineer/Developer & IT Support (Full-time) 公司名稱: Alluvium Global Research 公司位置: 靠近101 薪資範圍: NTD $80,000-$380,000(月) 視能力而定(面議) 職務內容: 1) 程式工程師 Requirements: C++, C, linux Degree in any of the following: computer science, engineering, math/statistics, operations research, or physics Preferred: Knowledge of design patterns, systems programming, knowledge of kernel, networking TCP/UDP Duties: Develop/debug software and support servers/networks, Implement algorithms for data manipulation Maintain documentation of procedures, models, and programming work 2) 演算法工程師 Requirements: Familiar with R or Matlab (or NumPy/SciPy) Degree in any of the following: engineering, math/statistics, econometrics, operations research, or physics Preferred: Knowledge of probability theory, stochastic processes, or time series analysis Duties: Perform statistical analysis/modeling on large data sets; prepare research reports 連絡方式: 應徵請寄一頁履歷表至 human.resources@alluviumgr.com 請在標題註明,從PTT來 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Quant/M.1433320255.A.74F.html ※ 編輯: agrhr (, 06/03/2015 16:36:52 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Quant/M.1433320255.A.74F.html ※ 編輯: agrhr (, 06/03/2015 16:36:52 ※ 編輯: agrhr (, 06/03/2015 16:47:47 ※ 編輯: agrhr (, 06/03/2015 16:50:23

06/03 17:50, , 1F
06/03 17:50, 1F

06/04 00:32, , 2F
06/04 00:32, 2F

06/04 08:52, , 3F
DIDIMIN大 先投投看阿 可以再跟他們談
06/04 08:52, 3F

06/07 18:46, , 4F
38W 兇猛的薪水阿
06/07 18:46, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1LRhi_TF (Quant)
文章代碼(AID): #1LRhi_TF (Quant)