[新聞] ASEAN Finance Ministers and Central Banks Consider D

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原文標題: ASEAN Finance Ministers and Central Banks Consider Dropping US Dollar, Euro and Yen, Indonesia Calls for Phasing Out Visa and Mastercard 原文連結: https://www.aseanbriefing.com/news/asean-finance-ministers-and-central-banks-consider-dropping-us-dollar-euro-and-yen-indonesia-calls-for-phasing-out-visa-and-mastercard/ 縮址 https://tinyurl.com/2s34r9zh 發布時間: March 29, 2023 記者署名: Chris Devonshire-Ellis 原文內容: An official meeting of all ASEAN Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors kicked off on Tuesday (March 28) in Indonesia. Top of the agenda are discussions to reduce dependence on the US Dollar, Euro, Yen, and British Pound from financial transactions and move to settlements in local currencies. The meeting discussed efforts to reduce dependence on major currencies through the Local Currency Transaction (LCT) scheme. This is an extension of the previous Local Currency Settlement (LCS) scheme that has already begun to be implemented between ASEAN members. This means that an ASEAN cross-border digital payment system would be expanded further and allow ASEAN states to use local currencies for trade. An agreement on such cooperation was reached between Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Thailand in November 2022. This follows from Indonesia’s banking regulator, stating on March 27 that the Bank of Indonesia is preparing to introduce its own domestic payment system. Indonesian President Joko Widodo has urged regional administrations to start using credit cards issued by local banks and gradually stop using foreign payment systems. He argued that Indonesia needed to shield itself from geopolitical disruptions, citing the sanctions targeting Russia’s financial sector from the US, EU, and their allies over the conflict in Ukraine. Moving away from Western payment systems is necessary to protect transactions from “possible geopolitical repercussions,” Widodo said. Of the ASEAN nations, just Singapore has enforced sanctions on Russia, while all other ASEAN nations continue to trade with the country. There has been alarm at being caught up in US-led secondary sanctions, as are short to impact Central and South Asia countries involved in cotton manufacturing, a major industry in the region employing millions of people. Foreign investors in Asia may wish to consider the amount of US dollars, Euros and Yen held in their accounts in light of a pending ASEAN currency trade decision. Professional discussions should be taken regarding any movement of company funds to alternative currencies. 心得/評論: 東盟各國財政部長和央行行長的正式會議於星期二(3月28日)在印尼拉開帷幕。 首要議程是討論减少金融交易對美元、歐元、日元和英鎊的依賴,並轉向以當地貨幣結算。 會議討論了通過本幣交易計畫减少對主要貨幣依賴的努力。 這是東盟成員國之間已經開始實施的先前本幣結算(LCS)計畫的延伸。 這意味著東盟跨境數位支付系統將進一步擴大,並允許東盟國家使用當地貨幣進行貿易。 印尼、馬來西亞、新加坡、菲律賓和泰國於2022年11月就此類合作達成協議。 此前,印尼銀行監管機构於3月27日表示,印尼銀行正準備引入自己的國內支付系統。 印尼總統佐科·維多多敦促地區政府開始使用當地銀行發行的信用卡,並逐步停止使用外國支付系統。 他認為,印尼需要保護自己免受地緣政治干擾,理由是美國、歐盟及其盟友因烏克蘭衝突對俄羅斯金融部門實施的制裁。 Widodo表示,為了保護交易免受“可能的地緣政治影響”,有必要遠離西方支付系統。 在東盟國家中,只有新加坡對俄羅斯實施了制裁,而所有其他東盟國家都繼續與該國進行貿易。 人們對陷入美國領導的二級制裁感到擔憂,因為這是對參與棉花製造的中亞和南亞國家的短期制裁,棉花製造是該地區雇用數百萬人的主要行業。 鑒於東盟貨幣貿易决定懸而未決,亞洲的外國投資者可能希望考慮其帳戶中持有的美元、歐元和日元的金額。 應就公司資金向替代貨幣的任何流動進行專業討論。 -------- 緊隨美國德國瑞士金融系統動搖而來的,還有中東地緣政治,拉美東南亞的金融系統的全面動搖 股點:美股近期就有可能有大的波動。但可以大量購入美國軍工股 -- 56個民族變裝合集 https://v.douyin.com/AAQ4f7v/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (中國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1680192659.A.1F3.html ※ 編輯: icrose ( 中國), 03/31/2023 00:18:33

03/31 00:18, 1年前 , 1F
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※ 編輯: icrose ( 中國), 03/31/2023 00:20:00

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03/31 00:27, 1年前 , 8F
你就說說你願意嗎? 連反美的小粉紅都不願意了,騙誰
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03/31 00:37, 1年前 , 13F
東元之類的嗎XD 看歐元那個樣子 東盟這麼鬆散的體
03/31 00:37, 13F

03/31 00:38, 1年前 , 14F
制 路還長著
03/31 00:38, 14F

03/31 00:38, 1年前 , 15F
Deglobalization "可能" 除了產線 IP 規格外 通貨
03/31 00:38, 15F

03/31 00:38, 1年前 , 16F
也是未來要考量的 不過光產線要形成交易策略都是
03/31 00:38, 16F

03/31 00:39, 1年前 , 17F
幾個月到兩年的時間了 通貨可能更久 而且也不一定
03/31 00:39, 17F

03/31 00:39, 1年前 , 18F
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03/31 00:52, 1年前 , 19F
今天交易 貨幣立馬貶值
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03/31 01:31, 1年前 , 22F
叫小粉紅的也是政治文 版主通通水桶阿lol
03/31 01:31, 22F

03/31 05:48, 1年前 , 23F
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03/31 07:59, 1年前 , 29F
結果跟著西方世界的新加坡是已開發 東盟是第三世界
03/31 07:59, 29F

03/31 07:59, 1年前 , 30F
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03/31 08:09, 1年前 , 31F
大推 東盟清醒了 反觀自殺式致裁苦了人民
03/31 08:09, 31F

03/31 08:10, 1年前 , 32F
之前酸新加坡不民主 加入致裁就民主 雙標真好用
03/31 08:10, 32F

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03/31 10:40, 1年前 , 36F
這位是 PTT八卦板男神欸
03/31 10:40, 36F
是説我嗎?還好,只是政黑有點名氣XD ※ 編輯: icrose ( 中國), 03/31/2023 10:49:53
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