[新聞] 數據顯示,川普上任以來,美國政府支出迄今未放緩

看板Stock (股票)作者 (焼き団子)時間4小時前 (2025/02/27 10:45), 2小時前編輯推噓39(541547)
留言116則, 85人參與, 2小時前最新討論串1/1
數據顯示,川普上任以來,美國政府支出迄今未放緩 https://is.gd/adapPl 路透 作者:Jason Lange 、 Andy Sullivan和Brad Heath 2025 年 2 月 26 日下午 7:11 概要: 1. 川普上任第一個月,美國政府支出 7,100 億美元,高於去年同期 2. 不斷上漲的利息、退休和醫療費用抵消了所有儲蓄 3. 解僱工人並沒有帶來明顯節省 華盛頓 2 月 26 日 (路透社)—路透社對聯邦數據的分析顯示,川普總統上任第一個月, 美國政府的支出比去年同期還要多,這表明他的成本削減舉措尚未減輕國家沉重的財政負擔 自上個月重新掌權以來,川普已經凍結了數十億美元的對外援助,並解雇了2萬多名聯邦工 作人員。他的預算削減負責人、科技億萬富翁伊隆馬斯克聲稱已節省了數百億美元。 但財政部支出記錄顯示,迄今為止,醫療和退休計畫支出的增加以及利息支付的增加抵消了 任何節省的資金。 財政部每日支出數據顯示,1 月 21 日至 2 月 20 日期間,政府整體支出約 7,100 億美元 ,高於去年同期的約 6,300 億美元。 獨立預算專家表示,這些數字顯示人口老化和債務負擔膨脹帶來的巨大壓力。 負責任聯邦預算委員會主席瑪雅·麥克吉尼斯 (Maya MacGuineas) 表示:“我們的 7 兆美 元預算是由結構性失衡驅動的,因為與我們的實際收入相比,我們在退休和醫療保健計劃方 面做出了過多的承諾。” “我們在好的時候和壞的時候都藉錢,這導致了創紀錄的債務水 平。” https://i.imgur.com/ogdqR2D.png
自 1 月 20 日共和黨人唐納德·川普重返白宮以來的一個月內,聯邦政府總體支出高於前 總統、民主黨人喬·拜登執政時期的去年同期。 白宮表示,馬斯克領導的政府效率部正在履行川普削減浪費和欺詐性支出的承諾。 白宮發言人卡羅琳·萊維特說:“DOGE 已經為美國納稅人節省了數十億美元,特朗普總統 將繼續指導這項工作,直到我們的政府真正為民服務、由民治。” 馬斯克和川普都表示,他們的目標是將 6.7 兆美元的聯邦預算削減 1 兆美元,但川普也承 諾不會減少領取社會安全退休金和參加醫療保險計畫的老年人的福利。 這兩個項目佔上個財政年度聯邦政府支出的三分之一以上。儘管隨著人口老化,這些支出預 計會佔用更多預算,但削減這些支出將激怒數百萬美國人。 布魯金斯學會負責追蹤美國財政部每日支出報表的研究員勞倫鮑爾 (Lauren Bauer) 表示: “如果不觸及第三軌,他們就無法實現目標。” 馬斯克表示他將仔細審查這兩個項目是否存在欺詐行為,但他審查敏感支付和人事記錄的行 為引發了人們對安全和隱私的擔憂。週三,DOGE 的 21 名職業工作人員辭職以示抗議,稱 該機構對美國人的私人數據處理不當。 川普幾乎無法減少債務償還支出(佔去年預算的 13%),否則將面臨違約風險,進而擾亂全 球金融體系。 財政部的數據顯示,川普上任第一個月,政府支付了約 940 億美元的利息,而去年同期支 付的利息約 800 億美元。 DOGE 修改儲蓄聲明 馬斯克的成本削減部門上週聲稱,透過取消合約和房地產租賃,已經節省了 550 億美元, 但此後似乎承認,許多削減措施所節省的資金比最初聲稱的要少。 路透社調查發現,週二發布的更新資訊取消或降低了 170 份合約的成本節約總額約 30 億 美元。例如,美國國際開發署一份合約的節省金額從近 6.55 億美元下降到 35 美分。 迄今為止,川普和馬斯克最大膽的預算削減舉措只集中在預算的一小部分。他實際上已經解 散了美國國際開發署,該署在 2023 財年支出了 420 億美元,相當於預算的 0.6%。 他還透過買斷計劃和大規模裁員來精簡美國公務員隊伍,迄今為止,全國 230 萬聯邦文職 人員中約有 10 萬人受到影響。任何工資節省都尚未實現。 2022財年人事成本佔總支出的4 .3%。 凍結國內援助支出的嘗試目前已遭到法庭阻撓。 原文: US government spending has not slowed under Trump so far, data shows Summary: US government spent $710 billion in Trump's first month, up from same period a y ear ago Rising interest, retirement and health costs offset any savings No apparent savings yet from fired workers WASHINGTON, Feb 26 (Reuters) - The U.S. government spent more during President D onald Trump's first month in office than it did during the same period a year ag o, in a sign his cost-slashing effort has yet to reduce the nation's heavy fisca l obligations, a Reuters analysis of federal data shows. Trump has frozen billions of dollars in foreign aid and fired more than 20,000 f ederal workers since he returned to power last month. His budget-cutting point p erson, tech billionaire Elon Musk, claims to have saved tens of billions of doll ars. But any savings have been outweighed so far by higher spending on health and ret irement programs and rising interest payments, Treasury Department spending reco rds show. Overall, the government spent about $710 billion between Jan. 21 and Feb. 20, Tr easury daily spending data shows, up from the roughly $630 billion during a comp arable period last year. Independent budget experts said the figures illustrate the relentless pressures incurred by an aging population and a ballooning debt load. "Our $7 trillion budget is driven by structural imbalances because we've over-pr omised in our retirement and health care programs compared to what we're taking in," said Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. "We've borrowed in good times and bad times, which has led to record deb t levels." https://i.imgur.com/ogdqR2D.png
In the month since Republican Donald Trump returned to the White House on Jan 20 , overall federal spending is higher than during the same period a year earlier under former President Joe Biden, a Democrat. The White House said Musk's Department of Government Efficiency is following thr ough on Trump's promise to cut wasteful and fraudulent spending. "DOGE has already identified billions of dollars in savings for American taxpaye rs, and President Trump will continue to direct this effort until our government is truly for the people, and by the people," White House spokeswoman Karoline L eavitt said. Musk and Trump have said they aim to reduce the $6.7 trillion federal budget by $1 trillion, but Trump has also promised not to reduce benefits for seniors who get Social Security retirement payments and participate in the Medicare health p lan. Those two programs accounted for more than one third of federal dollars spent in the last fiscal year. While they are projected to eat up more of the budget as the population ages, trimming them would anger millions of Americans. "There is no way to meet their goals without hitting the third rail," said Laure n Bauer, a researcher at the Brookings Institution who tracks the Treasury Depar tment's daily spending statements. Musk has said he will scrutinize both programs for fraud, but his attempts to sc rutinize sensitive payment and personnel records have raised security and privac y fears. On Wednesday, 21 career workers in DOGE resigned in protest, saying the agency had mishandled Americans' private data. Trump can do little to reduce debt service payments, which accounted for 13% of the budget last year, without risking a default that would rattle the global fin ancial system. The government paid about $94 billion in interest payments during Trump's first month, compared to around $80 billion in the comparable period last year, Treasu ry data shows. DOGE REVISES SAVINGS CLAIMS Musk's cost-cutting operation claimed last week that it had saved $55 billion th rough canceled contracts and property leases, but has since appeared to acknowle dge that many of the cuts saved less money than originally claimed. An update released on Tuesday had either removed or lowered the cost savings for 170 contracts by a total of roughly $3 billion, a Reuters examination found. Sa vings on one USAID contract, for example, dropped from almost $655 million to 35 cents. Trump and Musk's most dramatic budget-cutting efforts to date have focused on a much smaller portion of the budget. He has effectively dismantled the U.S. Agenc y for International Development, which spent $42 billion in the 2023 fiscal year , equal to 0.6% of the budget. He has also thinned the ranks of the U.S. civil service through a buyout program and mass layoffs that so far have affected about 100,000 of the nation's 2.3 mi llion federal civilian workers. Any payroll savings have yet to materialize. Per sonnel costs equaled 4.3% of total spending in the 2022 fiscal year. An attempt to freeze domestic aid spending has been blocked in court for now. 心得評論: 川普上任第一個月,美國政府支出 7,100 億美元,高於去年同期。被不斷上漲的利息、退 休和醫療費用抵消了所有努力 快到期的(3月14日)美聯邦債務上限,會不會又需要拉高債務上限? 川普到處搞關稅戰,正在面臨預期通膨,然而不斷上漲的利息,能夠升息的本錢越來越少, 也難怪之前會傳出直接賴帳(美債)的”傳聞”,一切都說的通了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1740624331.A.477.html

02/27 10:47, 4小時前 , 1F
02/27 10:47, 1F

02/27 10:47, 4小時前 , 2F
廢話 第一個月都是有薪休假後才砍本來就不會比較省
02/27 10:47, 2F

02/27 10:47, 4小時前 , 3F
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02/27 10:47, 4小時前 , 4F
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02/27 10:47, 4小時前 , 5F

02/27 10:48, 4小時前 , 6F
川普是個87 但是記者更是 世界上最可悲的工作
02/27 10:48, 6F

02/27 10:48, 4小時前 , 7F
廢話 前幾個月都還有遣散的賠償損失
02/27 10:48, 7F

02/27 10:49, 4小時前 , 8F
02/27 10:49, 8F

02/27 10:49, 4小時前 , 9F
那有馬上砍人 馬上就省錢的 美國砍人都會補償 初期
02/27 10:49, 9F

02/27 10:49, 4小時前 , 10F
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02/27 10:50, 4小時前 , 14F
02/27 10:50, 14F
※ 編輯: cosmite ( 臺灣), 02/27/2025 10:50:15

02/27 10:50, 4小時前 , 15F
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02/27 10:51, 4小時前 , 16F
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02/27 10:51, 4小時前 , 17F
6.7兆砍到剩1兆 怎不出來喊政府無法運作
02/27 10:51, 17F

02/27 10:51, 4小時前 , 18F
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02/27 10:52, 3小時前 , 19F
人他媽都還沒砍 是要怎麼減少支出 我就問
02/27 10:52, 19F

02/27 10:52, 3小時前 , 20F
02/27 10:52, 20F

02/27 10:52, 3小時前 , 21F
砍的那些預算 目前也沒超過百億 其實四年支出能
02/27 10:52, 21F

02/27 10:52, 3小時前 , 22F
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02/27 10:52, 3小時前 , 23F
繼續印鈔解決 穩了 VVVVVV
02/27 10:52, 23F

02/27 10:52, 3小時前 , 24F
然後砍人不用給遣散費 當美國鬼島?
02/27 10:52, 24F

02/27 10:54, 3小時前 , 25F
剛上任前半年的薪水總還是要付吧 要解雇也沒這麼快
02/27 10:54, 25F

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02/27 10:58, 3小時前 , 34F
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02/27 10:59, 3小時前 , 35F
直接發行在美國以外的美債 轉為零息長期美債要他國
02/27 10:59, 35F

02/27 10:59, 3小時前 , 36F
02/27 10:59, 36F

02/27 10:59, 3小時前 , 37F
還沒 還有 參眾兩院都要過才能
02/27 10:59, 37F

02/27 11:02, 3小時前 , 38F
02/27 11:02, 38F
還有 40 則推文
02/27 11:28, 3小時前 , 79F
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02/27 11:32, 3小時前 , 80F
開除員工本來就是長期的節省吧 又不是馬上不用付錢
02/27 11:32, 80F

02/27 11:33, 3小時前 , 81F
路透社 呵呵
02/27 11:33, 81F

02/27 11:34, 3小時前 , 82F
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02/27 11:34, 3小時前 , 83F
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02/27 11:35, 3小時前 , 84F
年金改革就好了 還用講
02/27 11:35, 84F

02/27 11:35, 3小時前 , 85F
02/27 11:35, 85F
路透來自於英國,然而最新消息,美國要課歐盟25%稅,且禁止美聯社、路透等其他媒體報 導川普內閣會議(只因這些媒體不把墨西哥灣改成美國灣),會被媒體黑真的不意外,川普 得罪太多人了

02/27 11:35, 3小時前 , 86F
靠邀 是忘記有遣散費這個東西嗎
02/27 11:35, 86F

02/27 11:36, 3小時前 , 87F
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02/27 11:38, 3小時前 , 89F
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02/27 11:41, 3小時前 , 90F
台灣砍預算 馬上一堆妖魔鬼怪現形出來鬧
02/27 11:41, 90F

02/27 11:41, 3小時前 , 91F
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02/27 11:42, 3小時前 , 93F
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02/27 11:57, 2小時前 , 94F
02/27 11:57, 94F
※ 編輯: cosmite ( 臺灣), 02/27/2025 11:58:16

02/27 11:58, 2小時前 , 95F
沒砍不就更慘 是在哭喔
02/27 11:58, 95F

02/27 12:01, 2小時前 , 96F
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02/27 12:02, 2小時前 , 97F
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02/27 12:02, 2小時前 , 98F
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02/27 12:02, 2小時前 , 99F
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02/27 12:03, 2小時前 , 100F
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02/27 12:04, 2小時前 , 101F
如果不節省更慘 不是嗎?
02/27 12:04, 101F

02/27 12:05, 2小時前 , 102F
02/27 12:05, 102F

02/27 12:05, 2小時前 , 103F
降息的後果一個月都不一定有反應了 更何況減少支出
02/27 12:05, 103F

02/27 12:08, 2小時前 , 104F
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02/27 12:36, 2小時前 , 111F
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02/27 12:39, 2小時前 , 112F
笑死 左派未免太急了吧
02/27 12:39, 112F

02/27 12:43, 2小時前 , 113F
真的別笑別人 川普上任做很多事 反觀某國總統只關
02/27 12:43, 113F

02/27 12:43, 2小時前 , 114F
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02/27 12:44, 2小時前 , 115F
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02/27 12:45, 2小時前 , 116F
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