[行前] 關於簽證一問
收到學校信上要我付的文件 我比較有疑問的是這一項
5.an original certified and translated birth-certificate:
Upon arrival in the Netherlands you have to register at the Town Hall;
this is a legal requirement.
Appointments at Town Hall will be arranged by the International Office.
Please therefore visit the International Office
as soon as you arrive in Leiden.
At Town Hall you will receive a statement of residency which
you will need for a number of administrative procedures.
For the Town Hall registration procedure you will have to submit an
original birth certificate.
This certificate must be in Dutch, English, French or German.
Please have your birth certificate translated if yours is
not in one of these languages.
(以上都還OK 沒問題...)
Students from countries which have signed
the Apostille treaty of The Hague should contact their local state authorities.
An Apostille is usually issued by a designated central authority.
An overview of all the designated state authorities in the various countries
can be found on the website of the Hague Conference on
International Private Law:http://www.hcch.net
under 'Conventions', then No. 12 'Convention of 5th October 1961
abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Documents'.
Once you get to this page, look at the right hand side of the screen
and you should see a blue column. Click on 'Authorities' to view
the entire list of competent authorities for the respective
countries which have signed this treaty.
Students from countries that have not signed this treaty,
have to visit the Dutch Embassy in the country where they
officially reside in order to get the appropriate authentification
of the document. This must be taken care of prior to your departure to
The Netherlands.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: county 來自: (05/22 17:23)
05/22 17:37, , 1F
05/22 17:37, 1F
05/22 17:37, , 2F
05/22 17:37, 2F
05/22 18:46, , 3F
05/22 18:46, 3F
※ 編輯: county 來自: (05/22 23:30)
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