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到荷蘭讀環境.能源.水文科技與管理等高品質課程 Bachelor: 1.HZ University of Applied Sciences/ Bachelor of Management 2.Saxion University of Applied Science/ Bachelor of Environmental Science 3.Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences/ Bachelor in Water Technology Masters 1.Leiden University MSc in Industrial Ecology (IE) 特色是課程涵蓋範圍最廣,不只是和再生能源有關,也有談政策如何落實、工廠製成 如何改善、產品生命週期分析(life cycle assessment)、物質流分析(material flow analysis),大概所有能夠讓環境改善的面向都有談到。 是由萊登大學CML環境科學所和台夫特科技大學Faculty of applied science & Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management合開的課程,如果想要多涉獵一些 不同領域,可以選擇這一個課程,課程網頁(courses): http://ie.leidendelft.nl/msc-programme/courses/ 2.Delft University of Technology MSc in Sustainable Energy Technology (3TU) 比IE還要深入在能源的討論,把工廠製成改善、產品生命週期、物質流分析的課拿走, 花更多的時間討論各種能源的細節,也有把政策的部份放入討論,課程網頁: http://set.msc.tudelft.nl/studeren/masteropl/masteropleidingen/sustainable-energy-technology/programma/sustainable-energy-technology-programme-in-detail/ MSc in Sustainable Process energy 很專注於技術的教學,如果已經確定要專門作技術創新或學習可以考慮這個課程 課程網頁(course detail) http://home.tudelft.nl/en/study/master-of-science/master-programmes/mechanical-engineering/tracks-overview/sustainable-processes-and-energy-technologies/msc-programme/ EMMEP - Erasmus Mundus Minerals and Environmental (Delft) http://www.emmep.org/ (Erasmus Mundus歐盟碩士計畫) 3.Eindhoven University of Technology SELECT - Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems www.kth.se/select (Erasmus Mundus歐盟碩士計畫) 4.Radboud University Nijmegen PLANET Europe - Joint Masters Programme on European Spatial Planning, Environmental Policies and Regional Development http://www.planet-europe.eu/ (Erasmus Mundus歐盟碩士計畫) 5.University of Groningen: www.rug.nl MSc in Ecology and Evolution MSc in Energy and Environmental Sciences 6.University of Twente: www.meem.utwente.nl MSc in Environmental and Energy Management (1 year) 7.VU University Amsterdam: www.vuamsterdam.com/programmes MSc in Ecology MSc in Environment and Resource Management (ERM) 8.Wageningen University: www.wageningenuniversity.eu/master MSc in Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management MSc in Environmental Sciences MSc in Forest and Nature Conservation MSc in Earth and Environment MSc in International Land and Water Management MSc in Leisure, Tourism and Environment MSc in Urban Environmental Management MSc in Water Technology 9.International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation ITC荷蘭地理資訊科學與地球觀測學院: www.itc.nl MSc in GIS for Natural Resource Management MSc in GIS for Water Resources and Environmental Management GEM - Master of Science course in Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management www.gem-msc.org (Erasmus Mundus歐盟碩士計畫) 10.UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education: www.unesco-ihe.org MSc in Environmental Planning and Management MSc in Environmental Science and Technology MSc in Limnology and Water Ecosystems MSc in Water Quality Management MSc in Water Resource Management IMETE - International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering (Erasmus Mundus歐盟碩士計畫) www.imete.ugent.be 11.Wetsus, centre of excellence for sustainable water technology: www.wetsusacademy.nl MSc in Water Technology The program has started in September 2008 so it is fairly new approach. This program is a joint responsibility of the Wageningen University, the University of Twente and University of Groningen. Its main focus is on development and design of all kind of water processes. The main added value of the program is the multidisciplinary use of biotechnology, chemical engineering and separation technology. 12.Saxion University of Applied Sciences MSc in Environmental Science MSc in Nature Conservation and Biodiversity Management Erasmus Mundus伊拉斯莫斯歐盟碩士課程&獎助計畫 伊拉斯莫斯獎助計畫是歐盟的一個計畫,目標是改善歐洲高等教育的品質, 並且鼓勵與歐盟以外的國家進行學術合作。這個計畫必須由歐盟會員國的盟校聯合提供 碩士學位課程。 此課程需要由至少三個來自歐盟境內的教育機構聯合授課。來自歐盟境內或境外的學生 皆可申請這些課程,其中歐盟境外的學生可以申請伊拉斯莫斯獎學金,獎學金優渥,申 請截止日較早,請大家把握機會! EMMEP - Erasmus Mundus Minerals and Environmental (Delft) http://www.emmep.org/ GEM - Master of Science course in Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management (ITC) www.gem-msc.org IMETE - International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering (IHE) www.imete.ugent.be MEME - Erasmus Mundus Master Programme in Evolutionary Biology (RUG) http://www.evobio.eu/ MIND - Erasmus Mundus Master's programme in Industrial Ecology (Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) - Netherlands): http://www.emmind.eu/ PLANET Europe - Joint Masters Programme on European Spatial Planning, Environmental Policies and Regional Development (Radboud U Nijmegen) http://www.planet-europe.eu/ SELECT - Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems (TUE) www.kth.se/select Erasmus Mundus伊拉斯莫斯歐盟博士研究計畫 ICE - Interactive and Cognitive Environments (TUE) http://www.icephd.org SELECT+ - Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Services (TUE) http://www.exploreselect.eu/SELECTPhD/ProgrammeDescription/tabid/1266/language/en-US/Default.aspx SETS - Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Sustainable Energy Technologies and Strategies (TUDelft) http://www.iit.upcomillas.es/sets/ -- NESO Taipei 荷蘭教育中心 (Netherlands Education Support Office) 105台北市民生東路三段 133 號 7 樓 D 室 網址:http://www.neso-taipei.org.tw 電子郵件信箱:nesotpe@neso-taipei.org.tw -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #1F3fixL8 (StudyinNL)