[題目] tocie 870 questions

看板TOEIC (TOEIC多益)作者 (I hope~~)時間17年前 (2007/11/27 22:35), 編輯推噓2(207)
留言9則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
問幾題改錯~~ 1.Robert Frost was not well known as a poet until he reached the forties. __ ______ _______ ___ A B C D 答案D....是因為不用加the嗎?? 2.A dolphin locates umderwater objects in its path by doing a series of __ ___ _____ A B C clicking and whistling sounds. _________ D 答案D....請問D哪裡錯呢?? 謝謝啦^O^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/27 22:59, , 1F
11/27 22:59, 1F

11/27 23:05, , 2F
第1題你是對的,the forties變成四十年代了,不是四十歲
11/27 23:05, 2F

11/27 23:07, , 3F
11/27 23:07, 3F

11/28 00:55, , 4F
11/28 00:55, 4F

11/28 01:28, , 5F
第 一題 誰能幫我分析 40年代 跟40歲的用法?
11/28 01:28, 5F

11/28 01:29, , 6F
11/28 01:29, 6F

11/28 03:02, , 7F
his forties ~ 40歲
11/28 03:02, 7F

11/28 06:18, , 8F
第2題會不會是C...make sounds不是do sounds
11/28 06:18, 8F

11/30 15:27, , 9F
11/30 15:27, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #17J2iPM2 (TOEIC)
文章代碼(AID): #17J2iPM2 (TOEIC)