[討論] 海馬變種馬了

看板Tech_Job (科技人)作者 (愛文文)時間4小時前 (2024/12/13 20:48), 編輯推噓4(405)
留言9則, 7人參與, 1小時前最新討論串1/1
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/himax-soars-20-analyst-predicts-165922253.html Himax Soars 20% as Analyst Predicts Key Role in Nvidia and TSM's AI Revolution On Thursday after TF International Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo advised Himax technology (NASDAQ:HIMX) might provide critical technology to Nvidia (NASDAQ:NV DA) and Taiwan Semiconductor (NYSE:TSM), its stock was up over 20%. Kuo underlined as key elements for their possible inclusion in the supply chains for Nvidia's next AI processor, the Rubin series, and Taiwan Semiconductor's Co -Packaged Optics (CPO), Himax's Wafer-Level Optics (WLO)technology and relations hip with Fiber Optic Communications (FOCI). With WLO driving long-term expansion for Himax, CPO is positioned to become a cr itical chip design for AI servers and high-performance computing systems, Kuo sa id. Future AI server and high-performance computing architectures are projected to give transfer efficiency top priority through co-packaged optics, the analyst also observed, so fully utilizing advances in chip processing capability. On Thursday, Himax shows double-digit spike in morning trade and a notable incre ase among mounting hope about the company's possible influence in changing semic onductor technologies. 太厲害了 光電技術翻身 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1734094139.A.0EB.html

12/13 20:53, 4小時前 , 1F
12/13 20:53, 1F

12/13 20:56, 4小時前 , 2F
12/13 20:56, 2F

12/13 21:19, 4小時前 , 3F
12/13 21:19, 3F

12/13 21:21, 4小時前 , 4F
這個不是iPhone大師嗎? 現在又變成ai大師了
12/13 21:21, 4F

12/13 21:31, 4小時前 , 5F
12/13 21:31, 5F

12/13 21:52, 3小時前 , 6F
12/13 21:52, 6F

12/13 22:23, 3小時前 , 7F
12/13 22:23, 7F

12/14 00:12, 1小時前 , 8F

12/14 00:12, 1小時前 , 9F
一天45% 太神啦
12/14 00:12, 9F
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文章代碼(AID): #1dN2qx3h (Tech_Job)