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在整理房間,滿多書應該都不會用到了, 如果需要了解書況,可來信, 可小小議價。 1. 書名:Human communication disorders: An introduction, 7th edition. 作者:Noma B. Anderson & George H. Shames 出版社:Pearson 價錢:500 2. 書名:Vander’s Human physiology: The mechanisms of Body Function ,10th edi tion. 作者:Eric P. Widmai er, Hershel Raff, Kevin T. Strang 吳莉玲 賴義隆 導讀 出版社:McGraw Hill 價錢:500 3. 書名:Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders, 7th edition. 作者:Robert H. Brookshire 出版社:Mosby 價錢:500 4. 書名:Motor Speech Disorders: Substrates, Differential Diagnosis, and manag ement , 2nd edition. 作者:Joseph R. Duffy 出版社:Elsevier Mosby 價錢:500 5. 書名:Augmentative & Alternative Communication, 3rd edition. 作者:David R. Beukelman & Pat Mirenda 出版社:Brookes 價錢:500 6. 書名:Acoustic Analysis of Speech, 2nd edition. 作者:Ray D. Kent & Charles Read 出版社:Singular 價錢:4 00 7. 書名:Neuroscience for the study of communication disorders, 3rd edition. 作者:Subhash C. Bhatnagar 出版社:LWW 價錢:500 8. 書名:Clinical Voice Pathology: Theory and management, 4th edition. 作者:Joseph C. Stemple & Leslie Glaze & Bernice Klaben 出版社:Plural Publishing 價錢:500 9. 書名:音聲異常與治療 作者:張 昭明校訂,蘇鴻銘編纂 出版社:合記圖書 價錢:100 10. 書名:語言病理學基礎 第一-第三卷 作者:曾進興主編 出版社:心理出版社 價錢:300 11. 書名:言語科學:理論與臨床應用 作者 :Carole T. Ferrand 出版社:心理出版社 價錢:100 12. 書名:The development of Language, 7th edition. 作者: Jean Berko Gleason & Nan Bernstein Ratner 出版社:Pearson 價錢:500 13. 書名:Professional Issues in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology , 3rd edition. 作者: Rosemary Lubinski & Lee Ann C. Golper & Carol M. Frattali 出版社:Delmar Cengage Learning 價錢:500 14. 書名:諮商與心理治療:理論與實務 作者:Gerald Corey 出版社:雙葉書廊 價錢:150 15. 書名:言語聲學分析Acoustic Analysis of Speech, 2nd edition. 作者:Ray D. Kent & Charles Read 譯者: 王南梅, 黃國祐,陳雅資 出版社:合記 價錢:100 16. 書名:Psycholinguistics , 2nd edition. 作者:Jean Berlin Gleason & Nan Bernstein Ratner 出版社:Wadsworth Cengage Learning. 價錢:500 17. 書名:發展心理學(上下冊) 作者: David R. Shaffer 出版社:學富 價錢:300 18. 書名:Speech and Language Disorders Associated with Subcortical Pathology 作者:Bruce E. Murdoch & Brooke-Mai Whelan 出版社:Wiley-Blackwell 價錢:500 19. 書名:Clinical Decision Making in Fluency Disorders, 3rd edition. 作者:Walter H. Manning 出版社:Delmar Cengage Learning 價錢:500 20. 書名:Terminology of Communication Disorders Speech-Language-Hearing , 5th edition. 作者:Lucille Ni colosi & Elizabeth Harryman & Janet Kresheck 出版社:LWW 價錢:500 21. 書名:Articulation and Phonological Disorders , 6th edition. 作者:John E. Bernthal & Nicholas W. Ba nkson & Peter Flipsen JR. 出版社:Allyn & Bacon 價錢:300 22. 書名:Terminology of Communication Disorders Speech-Language-Hearing , 5th edition. 作者:Lucille Ni colosi & Elizabeth Harryman & Janet Kresheck 出版社:LWW 價錢:500 23. 書名:Foundations of Aural Rehabilitation: Children, Adults, and Their Fam ily Members, 3rd edition. 作者:Nancy Tye-Murray 出版社:Delmar Cengage Learning 價錢:500 24. 書名:Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Language Disorders, 4th edition. 作者:Leonard L. LaPointe 出版社:Thieme 價錢:500 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Therapist/M.1592651486.A.815.html

06/20 23:30, 3年前 , 1F
06/20 23:30, 1F

06/21 00:46, 3年前 , 2F
06/21 00:46, 2F

06/21 22:21, 3年前 , 3F
06/21 22:21, 3F

06/27 10:37, 3年前 , 4F
06/27 10:37, 4F

07/19 09:45, 3年前 , 5F
07/19 09:45, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1UxUxUWL (Therapist)
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