[問題] 關於績效表的閱讀

看板Trading (金融交易)作者 (good boy)時間20年前 (2005/04/23 10:32), 編輯推噓2(201)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
小弟最近看到一個交易績效表 有一些問題想請教各位前輩 以下是該績效表 ============================================================================= Total Net Profit $1411600 Open position P/L $ 251400 Gross Profit $1928200 Gross Loss ($ 516600) Total # of trades 46 Percent profitable 43.48% Number of winning trades 20 Number losing trades 26 Largest winning trade $ 243000 Largest losing trade ($ 55400) Average winning trade $ 96410 Average losing trade ($ 19869) Ratio avg win/avg loss 4.85 Avg trade (win & loss) $ 30686 max consec. Winners 4 Max consec. losers 5 avg # bars in winners 24 Avg # bars in losers 5 Max intraday drawdown ($ 150600) Profit Factor 3.73 Max # contracts held 2 Account size required $ 382600 Return on account 368.95% ============================================================================= 問題如下 1. 何謂 Open position P/L ? 如何計算 ? 代表什麼意思呢? 2. 何謂 max consec. winners 與 max consec. losers ? 3. 何謂 avg # bars in winners 與 avg # bars in losers ? 4. 何謂 max intraday drawdown ? 5. 何謂 Account size required 與 Return on account ? 6. 風報比是 3.73 or 4.85 ? 希望前輩能指點一下 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 04/23, , 1F
可以到元大京華期貨網站,那裡有程式交易表 04/23, 1F 04/23, , 2F
基本上一樣 04/23, 2F 04/24, , 3F
感謝告知~我找到了~非常謝謝你 04/24, 3F
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