Re: [討論] MSN英文討論會
看板learnyf (自學 自我學習)作者deadly (天涼-鼻水橫流)時間19年前 (2006/05/01 18:13)推噓0(0推 0噓 3→)留言3則, 1人參與討論串268/399 (看更多)
※ 引述《tenry (tenry)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《ingridwu (我愛kiki & lala)》之銘言:
: : sorry...
: : msn打錯了
: : 是
: 嗯
: 不過這個讀書會有在運作嗎
: 我這一個月多來一直敲別人
: 想找些人來練習
: 只是回應的人實在是少的可憐
: 不是不在線上
: 就是聊個一下就沒動靜
: 感覺上大家都挺被動的
: 學習的效果很有限
: 看著MSN上多出的一堆名單
: 就有些苦笑不得的感受
: 也不曉得該不該砍掉
: ....
: 純屬發牢騷
I suggest you to remove the list....
At least I removed it.
well, we just hope that we can gain with less pay.
Expect someone can lead us....
It might be a good idea that to write an article
just as job seeking in newspaper..
If anyone cant read that article, that guy better not join..
well, but actually,
I am not seeking someone for English practcing also.
It is already busy enough to play game, and read code
..C++ code which is related to my thesis ...
anyway, If anyone would like to speak in English,
make friend with me, welcome.
Maybe we can go to the church together..
not for praying to god..or some religiou stuff..
but for speaking with native English
my msn:
best wishes.
我還沒說完吶~~ 靠!回家了啦!別在這裡丟人現眼了
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