Re: [討論] MSN英文討論會
看板learnyf (自學 自我學習)作者bejonathan (讀書人)時間18年前 (2006/08/01 00:23)推噓0(0推 0噓 0→)留言0則, 0人參與討論串325/399 (看更多)
Due to the number limits of msn window,
we'll move to the chat room in msn groups.
how to join the chat room?
step 1. connect to the link
step 2. fill the registration .
step 3. join the chat room
The same with before, we have to read an article
every day and discuss it in chat room.The articles
will be proclaimed on ptt-learnyf every Sunday.
And the chat room will be bustling at 11:00pm~12:00pm
Monday to Friday.(Although it is always open)
If you have nice articles, welcome to mail it to me.
my msn is
Best regards.:)
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