[情報] U. Kent肯特大學物理博士獎學金-量子科技

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PhD studentships in Quantum Technologies at the University of Kent 肯特大學物理系提供多個博士班獎學金名額給攻讀量子電腦和量子科技、凝態物理 Closing date: 15th May 2024. Funding: These full-time studentships include a doctoral stipend (equivalent to the Research Councils UK National Minimum Doctoral Stipend, £19,237 - 2024/25 rate), tuition fees at the postgraduate home rate (£4,786 for 2024/25) and access to further research funding. Several PhD studentships are available within the Physics of Quantum Materials Group at the University of Kent, and we would be grateful if you can bring the to the attention of potential applicants: * NISQ quantum algorithms for modelling 2d quantum matter. https://reurl.cc/OMpyMR Supervisor: Gunnar Moller (School of Physics & Astronomy). * Topological state preparation on NISQ quantum computers. https://reurl.cc/RqjZqz Supervisors: Gunnar Moller (School of Physics & Astronomy) and Steffen Krusch (School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science). * Cybersecurity Applications of Present and Near-term (NISQ) Quantum Computers. https://reurl.cc/bVkOV6 Supervisors: Carlos Perez Delgado (School of Computing) and Jorge Quintanilla (School of Physics & Astronomy). * Using Quantum Computers to Develop Quantum Advantage in Coordinated Exploration Tasks. https://reurl.cc/1v2539 Supervisors: Jorge Quintanilla (School of Physics & Astronomy) and Paul Strange (School of Physics & Astronomy). Candidates are encouraged to contact the prospective advisors to discuss the projects. General information about the Physics of Quantum Materials is available on the PQM website, https://research.kent.ac.uk/pqm/ including information about individual PQM academics can be found under “People”. https://research.kent.ac.uk/pqm/people/ How To Apply: A full list of projects and instructions on how to apply can be found here: https://reurl.cc/p3Wkr4 Applicants should make sure you follow all the instructions given in that webpage. Applications should include: reasons for study: your interest in the project and your background experience – please indicate which project you are interested in applying to; details/evidence of qualifications; a copy of your CV; two academic references. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/AdvEduUK/M.1714321671.A.ABC.html

07/12 04:41, 8月前 , 1F
謝謝分享 感覺台灣的物理系可能大多都去台G了,
07/12 04:41, 1F
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