[情報] HSBC海外戶,自行開戶

看板Bank_Service (銀行服務)作者 (GOGO)時間2天前 (2024/06/29 11:16), 1天前編輯推噓7(708)
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https://internationalservices.hsbc.com/zh-hk/overseas-account-opening/where-to-open/ 自行copy以上網址 按照網址 選擇開戶國家 不需要透過理專購買理財產品 給各位參考,開戶後,再到台灣, 要求連結國外帳戶,即可隨意轉帳 https://reurl.cc/XGKVYD SG開戶很快 上網填一下資料 對方打國際電話確認填寫資料 請我用EMAIL回傳 International Account Enquiry – Singapore Thank you for expressing interest to open an account with HSBC Singapore. To enable us to proceed with the account opening, kindly provide the following information and documents to progress your application. Document Checklist: · Document 1 – Proof of address (full page, issued within 3 months) 我回傳台灣匯豐的對帳單 隔天就開通了 Your HSBC Everyday Global Account is now open and almost ready for you to use. We're just completing some final checks before sending you your debit card. You can start funding your account anytime, and once our checks are complete, you'll be able to start spending. What happens next: You'll receive an email when your debit card is on the way. You can already start funding your account. http://i.imgur.com/AS5Jzsf.jpg
-----閱讀完以下發文提示,可刪除此行及以下內容--------- 依板規10,發文請至少三行滿50字,違者刪文累犯水桶一個月。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Xiaomi 21091116AG. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Bank_Service/M.1719631016.A.B37.html ※ 編輯: XoPXoP ( 臺灣), 06/29/2024 11:18:16

06/29 11:22, 2天前 , 1F
06/29 11:22, 1F

06/29 11:28, 2天前 , 2F
剛試一下仍會遇到這篇的狀況 #1cVH8DOF (Bank_Service)
06/29 11:28, 2F
※ 編輯: XoPXoP ( 臺灣), 06/29/2024 11:32:44

06/29 12:42, 2天前 , 3F
06/29 12:42, 3F

06/29 13:48, 2天前 , 4F
06/29 13:48, 4F

06/29 17:12, 2天前 , 5F
06/29 17:12, 5F

06/29 18:36, 2天前 , 6F
06/29 18:36, 6F

06/29 20:07, 2天前 , 7F
06/29 20:07, 7F

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06/29 20:33, 2天前 , 9F
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06/29 21:03, 2天前 , 10F
06/29 21:03, 10F

06/29 21:03, 2天前 , 11F
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06/29 22:32, 2天前 , 12F
06/29 22:32, 12F

06/29 22:53, 2天前 , 13F
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06/29 23:55, 2天前 , 14F
速度快 匯率差
06/29 23:55, 14F
※ 編輯: XoPXoP ( 臺灣), 06/30/2024 09:05:49

07/01 01:35, 1天前 , 15F
07/01 01:35, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1cVtoeit (Bank_Service)
文章代碼(AID): #1cVtoeit (Bank_Service)