Re: [討論] 對生物資訊領域最重要的六門課是?
This is how I would do my undergraduate if I were to do it again
knowing that I would be doing bioinfo research
1. Linear Alg.
2. Discrete Math
3. Intro to Prob and Stat
4. Stochastic Process
5. Biostat
6. Differential Equation
1. Intro to Data Structure
2. Algorithm
3. AI
4. Machine Learning
5. Intro to Logic Design
1. Genetics
2. Physical Biochemistry or Biophysics
3. Mol Bio for Prok
4. Mol Bio for Euk
5. Mol Bio Lab
Others: Technical Writing
Among these courses I feel the six most critical ones for undergrads are
1. Linear alg
2. Intro to Prob and Stat
3. Intro to Data Structure
4. Algorithm or Discrete Math
5. Mol Bio Lab
6. Mol Bio for Prok
※ 引述《cccching (不同的味道)》之銘言:
: 如題
: 想請教各位生物資訊前輩的是:
: 如果想要安排大學生的必修課程, 有哪幾門課是對學生在未來走生物資訊領域時,
: 能具備有基本及必備的背景知識及研究能力? 希望大家能提供自身的經驗以幫助排課及評估
: 如果能解釋重要的原因更歡迎.
: *1 在此以大學部課程為主, 當然一些所有領域需必備的課如生物化學等課就不再討論.
: *2 目前想到的如計算機概論, 分生, 生統, Data mining等課...
: 感謝各位提供寶貴的經驗 謝謝
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
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