Re: [單字] 低頭族的英文是什麼呢?

看板Eng-Class (英文板)作者 (Hololang)時間11年前 (2013/01/09 10:02), 編輯推噓1(104)
留言5則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多) Do you constantly check your e-mail accounts or refresh your Facebook page using a smartphone? If the answer is yes, you are undoubtedly one of a fast-growing demographic playfully known as the “heads-down tribe (低頭族),” which comes from a Chinese term that doctors and researchers use to describe smartphone addicts who are susceptible to traffic accidents, physical illness or psychological disconnection. An annual survey conducted by the Taiwan Network Information Center, which investigates the use of broadband Internet services among people above the age of 12, showed a rapid increase in the number of wireless Internet and mobile communications users over the past year. The survey showed that the number of people accessing the Internet via laptops, tablets or smartphones in the past six months in Taiwan had surged to a record 5.35 million people, twice the figure reported in the same period last year. -- 一個人如果宣稱,對上帝必須理解清楚才能相信,那他將永遠無法有真正的信心。 信仰有些地方,不是知道,而是內心深處對上帝的體會。 Blaise Pascal, The Pensees -- ※ 編輯: Chengheong 來自: (01/09 10:04)

01/09 12:18, , 1F
01/09 12:18, 1F

01/09 12:19, , 2F
01/09 12:19, 2F

01/09 15:26, , 3F
01/09 15:26, 3F

01/10 16:06, , 4F
01/10 16:06, 4F

01/10 16:06, , 5F
姑且不論是誰翻的,用 tribe 這個字本身就有問題
01/10 16:06, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1GxC-v0m (Eng-Class)
文章代碼(AID): #1GxC-v0m (Eng-Class)