Re: [Mind] so thats it.

看板EngTalk (全英文聊天)作者 (吼)時間10年前 (2015/04/23 03:07), 編輯推噓-1(2375)
留言80則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《a29108583 (pho)》之銘言: : i psssed by a local temple when i was trolling around : for excercise a few days ago. : i am a atheist but for some reason i got a feeling : that i need to pray a little bit for my relationship. : "do i still got a chance to fine the one?" : i asked the local god that i have no idea who it is. : the god answered me : "haha, haha, fuck off" : it s always precise when i pray to god : for the result of uncertainty. : especially when it comes to life choices. : so i gess thats it ...... Well…to be fair, you don't think the gods exist so why should that god give a shit about you and your request? And if you really are an atheist as you said, you wouldn't go into the temple and pray anyway. -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

04/24 15:42, , 1F
Gods should show guidance and salvation to those w
04/24 15:42, 1F

04/24 15:42, , 2F
ho are going astray and hopeless. If the Gods that
04/24 15:42, 2F

04/24 15:42, , 3F
you believe in are so unforgiving and stingy then
04/24 15:42, 3F

04/24 15:42, , 4F
why would believing and worshiping them make a di
04/24 15:42, 4F

04/24 15:42, , 5F
fference in our lives?
04/24 15:42, 5F

04/25 13:03, , 6F
Why? Why "should"?
04/25 13:03, 6F

04/25 13:03, , 7F
Is that their job? Their responsibilities? There'
04/25 13:03, 7F

04/25 13:03, , 8F
s no "should"
04/25 13:03, 8F

04/25 13:04, , 9F
If you think they are unforgiving or stingy just
04/25 13:04, 9F

04/25 13:04, , 10F
04/25 13:04, 10F

04/25 13:05, , 11F
they don't do what they "should" do, which is, as
04/25 13:05, 11F

04/25 13:05, , 12F
your words, show guidence and salvation to anyon
04/25 13:05, 12F

04/25 13:05, , 13F
e that needs them. Then take my advice, don't tak
04/25 13:05, 13F

04/25 13:05, , 14F
e anything for granted.
04/25 13:05, 14F

04/25 13:05, , 15F
04/25 13:05, 15F

04/25 17:52, , 16F
i dont believe in god but some like me who is despe
04/25 17:52, 16F

04/25 17:52, , 17F
rate would try anything if it can make any differen
04/25 17:52, 17F

04/25 17:52, , 18F
04/25 17:52, 18F

04/25 19:11, , 19F
First, go with respect and do your homework. In y
04/25 19:11, 19F

04/25 19:11, , 20F
our post, you said you were trolling around and y
04/25 19:11, 20F

04/25 19:11, , 21F
ou didn't even know who you were praying to.
04/25 19:11, 21F

04/25 19:14, , 22F
If you were god, would you take man with that kin
04/25 19:14, 22F

04/25 19:14, , 23F
d of attitude seriously?
04/25 19:14, 23F

04/26 09:23, , 24F
again, exactly as I said, if your Gods are exactly
04/26 09:23, 24F

04/26 09:23, , 25F
the same as the mortals then there is no point to
04/26 09:23, 25F

04/26 09:23, , 26F
worship them, in fact there is no need at all. th
04/26 09:23, 26F

04/26 09:23, , 27F
e only reason that religious beliefs exist (hence
04/26 09:23, 27F

04/26 09:23, , 28F
why there are Gods) is solely because mortals nee
04/26 09:23, 28F

04/26 09:23, , 29F
d to have spiritual reliefs. As a result Gods are
04/26 09:23, 29F

04/26 09:23, , 30F
protrayed as beings different from mortals so tha
04/26 09:23, 30F

04/26 09:23, , 31F
t they can provide guidance. If, by your definitio
04/26 09:23, 31F

04/26 09:23, , 32F
n thay everyone needs to worship them in order to
04/26 09:23, 32F

04/26 09:23, , 33F
get their blessings, then why are they so differe
04/26 09:23, 33F

04/26 09:23, , 34F
nt from the mortals that are unforgiving and sting
04/26 09:23, 34F

04/26 09:23, , 35F
04/26 09:23, 35F

05/01 02:09, , 36F
Tell me, would the gods of yours take you if you
05/01 02:09, 36F

05/01 02:09, , 37F
talked to them disrespectfully and sometimes did
05/01 02:09, 37F

05/01 02:09, , 38F
n't even admit their existence?
05/01 02:09, 38F

05/01 02:14, , 39F
And btw, no, they are not exactly the same as us.
05/01 02:14, 39F

05/01 02:14, , 40F
What makes you make that conclusion?
05/01 02:14, 40F

05/01 02:16, , 41F
They have emotions like us. And yet they have som
05/01 02:16, 41F

05/01 02:16, , 42F
ething we don't.
05/01 02:16, 42F

05/01 02:16, , 43F
05/01 02:16, 43F

05/01 02:17, , 44F
That's the biggest reason (well…maybe the only r
05/01 02:17, 44F

05/01 02:17, , 45F
eason) why we ask them for help.
05/01 02:17, 45F

05/01 02:21, , 46F
Not because they "provide guidence"
05/01 02:21, 46F

05/01 02:25, , 47F
It's because they are all knowing so the guidence
05/01 02:25, 47F

05/01 02:25, , 48F
they provide can solve your question.
05/01 02:25, 48F

05/01 02:33, , 49F
Hell your dad probably can provide you tons of gu
05/01 02:33, 49F

05/01 02:33, , 50F
idece, why don't you worship him like you worship
05/01 02:33, 50F

05/01 02:33, , 51F
05/01 02:33, 51F

05/01 10:36, , 52F
read my post again and make your case again. what
05/01 10:36, 52F

05/01 10:36, , 53F
you are saying clearly indicates that you don't e
05/01 10:36, 53F

05/01 10:36, , 54F
ven know what I'm saying
05/01 10:36, 54F

05/01 10:42, , 55F
don't even
05/01 10:42, 55F

05/01 20:27, , 56F
Oh? Don't waste both of our time.
05/01 20:27, 56F

05/01 20:27, , 57F
Either spit it out clearly or shush.
05/01 20:27, 57F

05/01 20:51, , 58F
whts going on here@@ god its just a chat! why u guy
05/01 20:51, 58F

05/01 20:51, , 59F
s so serious
05/01 20:51, 59F

05/01 23:17, , 60F
Why not? It's fun to state opinions and see why s
05/01 23:17, 60F

05/01 23:17, , 61F
ome people disagree. Why they think differently?
05/01 23:17, 61F

05/01 23:18, , 62F
And it's not like we didn't get anything out of o
05/01 23:18, 62F

05/01 23:18, , 63F
ur argument. We both have practiced our written e
05/01 23:18, 63F

05/01 23:18, , 64F
xpressions through it. lol
05/01 23:18, 64F

05/01 23:18, , 65F
Don't worry about us. :)
05/01 23:18, 65F

05/01 23:20, , 66F
We are both grown ups. A little verbal fight can'
05/01 23:20, 66F

05/01 23:20, , 67F
t hurt.
05/01 23:20, 67F

05/01 23:23, , 68F
Well, I can't speak for Allen. Maybe he or she is
05/01 23:23, 68F

05/01 23:23, , 69F
not. IDK
05/01 23:23, 69F

05/03 16:20, , 70F
such pretentious thoughts. your existence is the r
05/03 16:20, 70F

05/03 16:20, , 71F
eason why religion is such a controversial issue.
05/03 16:20, 71F

05/03 16:20, , 72F
further, watch your attitude
05/03 16:20, 72F

05/04 02:12, , 73F
Yes, of course, blame others. The reason why this
05/04 02:12, 73F

05/04 02:12, , 74F
world is at peace is because of you.
05/04 02:12, 74F

05/04 02:18, , 75F
I'm not justifying myself. I'm sorry if you find
05/04 02:18, 75F

05/04 02:18, , 76F
my words offensive. But the attitude you give ou
05/04 02:18, 76F

05/04 02:18, , 77F
t is the same attitude you will get back.
05/04 02:18, 77F

05/04 02:19, , 78F
Now, do you wish to continue the discussion? I do
05/04 02:19, 78F

05/04 02:19, , 79F
n't think it is going anywhere. Apparently you ca
05/04 02:19, 79F

05/04 02:19, , 80F
n't accept my thoughts, and vice versa.
05/04 02:19, 80F
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