Re: [心得] 2012.9/8高級小小心得

看板GEPT (全民英檢)作者 (微闌)時間12年前 (2012/09/10 01:23), 編輯推噓6(609)
留言15則, 4人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
趁現在還記得一些,補充一下。 因為當天感冒,精神不是很好,歡迎討論指正。 題目順序和字詞並不正確,都是大概。 ※ 引述《ginisisi (gini)》之銘言: : ==============================切入正題之聽力部份============================ : Short conversation 1. From the interview, what can we know about Ellen? a) she is going to hire some people b) she has time for vacation c) she runs two different busineess d) ...schedule (這選項記不太清楚) 2. Who encourages her to run the literary camp? 我是寫書店小孩,不確定對錯。 3. What activities do they do in the camp? 我寫archery和role play.似乎還有其他? 4. What can we know about this year's registration? 如g大提到的,應該是fully booked. : 2.這題考學生和教授的對話 我的理解是:學生疑惑說為何science revolution很早就有了 但為何chemistry的發展卻是到17世紀才開始? 教授說是受到alchemy的影響. 1. What's the student's question? 我寫如上說的:為何chemistry的發展卻是到17世紀才開始? 2. What did the alchemists use to turn into 忘記是啥了? 沒聽清,只聽到有mercury...XD 根據autoigni大補:mercury的另一個答案好像是lead...? 3. What makes people believe that they can transform the materials? 我寫因為人們認為可以turn grapes into wine等 4. 好像是alchemist在發展上幫了什麼忙? autoigni:應該是有助於現代實驗室的開展 : Long talk : 1.澳洲的沙塵暴 這部分我覺得我一直聽不到它的重點Orz,都亂寫就不分享答案了。 1. What's true about the dust storm on Sep 23? 詳細選項不記得了,我和g大一樣寫破紀錄. 2. Why people are told to stay home on Sep 23? 3. What area of Sydney does the dust storm benefit? (大概是吧) 4. What are the effects on the soil? (記得不太完整) autoigni: 澳洲沙塵暴那題重點應該是沙塵吹走表土(topsoil) 使得下方礦物質(mineral)露出 有助於農業 5. 不確定,好像是effects on the ocean? 應該是g大說的溫室效應那題. : TV critics的甘苦談 1.如 G大提到的,為何這speaker要來講這些? 我也是選warn those who want to be TV critics 2. What has lacking of time prevent TV critics from doing? 是沒辦法看所有TV shows嗎? 不確定. 3. What are the two features of recent TV shows? 一個應該是immitation, 一個是original but lack of humor (這字沒聽清不確定) 4. What does the speaker think of Happy Valley and 另一個TV show? A) they shouldn't have been made B) she enjoys them C) 不記得 D) she regrets not seeing them earlier. 沒聽清亂選A 5. Why TV critics break their hearts? 不確定, 好像是好的shows die too soon? : ===================================閱讀部份============================= : R1 : 第一篇在講MMR(measle,mump and rubella) : 還有醫界人士如何改良、並且使民眾接種疫苗 1. 不太確定問題,大概是關於某醫生. 我選patriotism 2. 把一個句子插入文章中所標XYZ其中一個位置。 句子大意是說如果孩子掛了家長會不好受, 所以我放emotions play那段. 3. 某醫生如何成功推廣(?)smallpox? 我寫他透過用cowpox 4. From the last paragraph what does the writer imply? 我寫人們還是不完全相信疫苗 : 第二篇在講藝術的翻修 主要是講壁畫的修復 1. Why is the restoration of 某壁畫 controversial? 我寫workers認為有些shadowy details是後來的畫家加上的,應該一併清除 但critics認為也是Michelangelo畫的 2. How do the workers preserve sfumato on the painting? 應該是保留光亮漆的最後一層 3. Why are critics happy about recent restoration? 我想應該是原文說guarded approach那段吧 記得的大概以上這樣. 後面部分因我閱讀速度不快,大半以上都是最後隨便塗個答案,就不分享了QQ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: raincrain 來自: (09/10 02:13)

09/10 10:47, , 1F
09/10 10:47, 1F

09/10 10:48, , 2F
09/10 10:48, 2F

09/10 10:49, , 3F
使得下方礦物質(mineral)露出 有助於農業
09/10 10:49, 3F

09/10 10:50, , 4F
09/10 10:50, 4F

09/10 10:51, , 5F
09/10 10:51, 5F

09/10 12:44, , 6F
09/10 12:44, 6F

09/10 22:10, , 7F
謝謝! 話說原PO的記憶力真好啊~~
09/10 22:10, 7F

09/10 22:11, , 8F
09/10 22:11, 8F

09/10 22:12, , 9F
變得好像新的一樣 但是後來的畫家們自作主張添加了其他
09/10 22:12, 9F

09/10 22:13, , 10F
09/10 22:13, 10F

09/10 22:13, , 11F
不過這題我也不確定 還請版上強者們指點...
09/10 22:13, 11F
謝謝~可惜記憶力在這考試中沒啥用,我需要速度XDD。 發現我原本寫的不清楚,應該是: workers認為有些shadowy details是後來的畫家加上的,應該一併清除 但critics認為也是Michelangelo畫的 不過我的理解還是跟a大有點不同,希望有強者來討論囉!

09/11 00:21, , 12F
09/11 00:21, 12F

09/11 23:36, , 13F
09/11 23:36, 13F

09/11 23:36, , 14F
09/11 23:36, 14F

09/12 10:09, , 15F
不記得耶~~我還有聽到zinc 但似乎不是答案...
09/12 10:09, 15F
有講到arsenic和zinc的,但好像是在說實驗室的部分@@? ※ 編輯: raincrain 來自: (09/12 13:05)
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