Re: [問題] 新GRE閱讀邏輯10套

看板GRE (GRE入學考試)作者 (顏子老師)時間13年前 (2012/05/10 09:22), 編輯推噓-5(160)
留言7則, 7人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
這麼簡單的題目,居然還會有人有問題,還採反面分析法,各位是不是太天真? 太純潔了?哀,也難怪台灣人被政治被操控得這麼厲害 (倒底這是果還是因,還是互為因果?中國應該也是一樣吧? 看楊鵬、管衛東GRE 難句那些理解錯得一塌糊塗,卻到處被人引用,應可猜知。) 這個題目其實就跟那些引用老蔣或小蔣日記內文來解釋歷史的所謂「學者」的文章一樣。 兩蔣的日記內容是真的嗎?他們寫日記時會講真話嗎? 你要引用他們的日記內文來解釋歷史,前提必須是他們在日記裡面所寫的都是truth, 而不是lies(一個想當民族偉人的人或是任何準備未來發表日記的人,都會在日記裡面 說謊的),或自戀、自我感覺良好的 untruths。 correspondece 是信件的通稱。 letter在這裡是 單一信件,不會是字母;單單一個字母不可能讓你 in which mentions anything. ※ 引述《bluejay (0分)》之銘言: : 最近在做新GRE閱讀邏輯10套 練習下來發現有一些問題 : 希望大家可以幫忙解答一下 謝謝 : A thorough search of Edgar Allan Poe's correspondence : has turned up not a single letter in which he mentions his : reputed morphine addiction. On the basis of this evidence : it is safe to say that Poe's reputation for having been a : morphine addict is undeserved and that reports of his supposed : addiction are untrue. : 想問請問一下文中的correspondence 是要當作通信 通信情況 還是做信件解釋 : 另外turn up not a single letter mentions 是"沒有一封信(letter)當中提到" : 或者是隻字未提的意思 letter 做字母解釋 : Which of the following is assumed by the argument : above? : (A) Reports claiming that Poe was addicted to mor- : phine did not begin to circulate until after his : death. : (B) None of the reports of Poe's supposed morphine : addiction can be traced to individuals who actu- : ally knew Poe. : (C) Poe's income from writing would not have been : sufficient to support a morphine addiction. : (D) Poe would have been unable to carry on an : extensive correspondence while under the : influence of morphine. : (E) Fear of the consequences would not have pre- : vented Poe from indicating in his correspon- : dence that he was addicted to morphine. : 答案是 E 用刪去法的方式似乎是E比較合理 可是整句話解釋起來有點奇怪 : 希望大家可以幫忙解答一下 : 另外如果有人想要一起討論的話 可以站內信 以後用MSN 或skype 討論相關的題目 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/10 11:38, , 1F
大家互相討論何必這樣呢? 人人有其所長, 無須相輕
05/10 11:38, 1F

05/10 11:54, , 2F
05/10 11:54, 2F

05/10 14:36, , 3F
05/10 14:36, 3F

05/10 22:51, , 4F
05/10 22:51, 4F

05/10 22:52, , 5F
05/10 22:52, 5F

05/12 16:41, , 6F
05/12 16:41, 6F

05/12 23:16, , 7F
枉費您的好學識阿 可惜可惜
05/12 23:16, 7F
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