Re: [問題] CAMBRIDGE 3 test 2 有問題請教...
※ 引述《reggaebabe (去旅行...)》之銘言:
: 這次是IELTS 3 , TEST 2 , passage 1
: 有關屎蟲引進澳洲的相關敘述與個品種屎蟲簡介
: 我的問題出在 Q4 (Y/N/Not Given)
: Q: At least twenty-six of introduced species have become established in
: Australia.
: Answer: Yes. 但我寫No ***開始為我可能有所誤解的地方
: 原因在: Of the 26 species that are known to have become successfully
: integrated into the local environment, *** only one, an Afrian species
: released in northern Australia, has reached its natural boundary.***
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: 我把畫底線部分解釋為遇到天然瓶頸 故無法存活之類
: 可能無法算在26種已融入當地環境品種裡
: 因此頂多25種 題幹說at least 26 所以我選NO
: 可以有高手來點醒我一下嘛....感恩
only one of the 26 species has reached its natural boundary.
這句話去掉子句 補語後就是這樣
所以26個中只有一個reached its natural boundary 這就看你怎麼解釋了
但可以確定的是 26個種類成功的在澳洲生存
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