[徵稿] Polar question meaning[s] across languages

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Polar question meaning[s] across languages April 11-13, 2024, University of Amsterdam https://sites.google.com/view/poqal-amsterdam/call-for-papers Abstracts due: January 15, 2024 The last decade has seen a steady increase in work on question meaning, in particular polar question meaning, with relatively new notions like bias becoming front and center. At the same time, the empirical field has widened to include some understanding of various forms fulfilling the polar question function. Spanning not only interrogatives but also declaratives, tags, and alternatives, these forms raise important questions for the relationship between form and meaning. Beyond these polar-like question forms familiar from widely studied languages, recent research has shown that across languages further lexical and structural means are deployed to create components of complex polar question meanings. From particles enforcing certain bias inferences in Japanese and Mandarin to those that drive a “non-intrusive” meaning in Bulgarian and Romanian, from evidentials interacting with polar question meaning in Bangla and German to focus-sensitive polar question marking in Finnish, Slavic and Turkish, phenomena that speak to further and richer dimensions of meaning have been uncovered. This workshop aims to bring together work that continues this line of research . We invite abstracts that formally address aspects of polar(-like) question forms across languages, and theorize on polar question meaning and its components based on a wide range of data (of forms as well as languages). We are particularly excited to hear about manifestations of meaning in pragmatic and social levels that connect to formal grammatical events such as clausal structure, negation, focus and intonation. Please limit abstracts of max. 2 pages to two abstracts per (co-)author and send to poqal.amsterdam@gmail.com . Invited speakers: * Diti Bhadra (University of Minnesota) * Regine Eckardt (Konstanz University) * Lisa Matthewson (University of British Columbia) * Deniz Rudin (University of Southern California) Important data: * Abstracts due: January 15, 2024 * Decisions announced: January 31, 2024 * WS Date: April 11-13, 2024 WS location: University of Amsterdam Humanities Labs room F0.01. https://www.uva.nl/en/locations/binnenstad/bushuis.html?origin=uq5cmYnUS0mTwIPG0l%2FQxA Contact person: Beste Kamali (poqal.amsterdam@gmail.com, b.c.kamali@uva.nl) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Linguistics/M.1702723728.A.7C2.html
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