[自介] MBA版自介 (wicl)

看板MBA (企業管理碩士)作者 (莉莉安)時間14年前 (2011/02/02 03:10), 編輯推噓7(701)
留言8則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
1. ID: wicl (Lillian) 2. Current Status: Applicant 3. Schools Applied: Wharton/Kellogg/Duke/Stanford/UCLA NYU/Columbia/USC/U Michigan/UC Berkeley (除了Berkeley是R3以外 其餘皆為R2) 4. Pre-MBA Work Experience: 33.5 months in IT industry 5. Post-MBA Work Experience: None 6. GMAT/ TOEFL/ GPA: 690 (2010/09/07 V33 Q50 6.0)->730 (2010/11/08 V38 Q50 5.5) 112 (R30 L28 S26 W28) 89.52 from NTU DFLL 7. What information you are interested to know in this board? Keep in touch with MBAs & applicants. MBA/post-MBA experience sharing. 8. Others: I am still waiting for any upcoming updates. Let's keep each other posted if any news! All this waiting is realy killing me >"< Good luck to all!!!! :D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/02 17:23, , 1F
02/02 17:23, 1F

02/02 19:28, , 2F
哇 你是辭職準備嗎 好殺喔 丟這麼多
02/02 19:28, 2F

02/02 20:22, , 3F
完全進入不成功就成仁的賭鬼模式 XDDD
02/02 20:22, 3F

02/02 20:26, , 4F
02/02 20:26, 4F

02/02 20:27, , 5F
現在大家的GMAT都好高 -_-
02/02 20:27, 5F

02/02 22:45, , 6F
02/02 22:45, 6F

02/03 00:02, , 7F
02/03 00:02, 7F

02/03 14:36, , 8F
02/03 14:36, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1DI5gyfy (MBA)
文章代碼(AID): #1DI5gyfy (MBA)