[北美] (代po)南亞塑膠美國南卡廠徵才(Lake City

看板Oversea_Job (海外工作)作者 (風兒鬼兒)時間3年前 (2020/11/14 12:22), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Job Opening 1: IT Engineer Job Description: 1. Responsible for computer and automation system.. 2. Develop/maintain software in the system. 3. Assess infrastructure on a regular basis to ensure it continues to meet pro duction demands. 4. Handle troubleshooting as needed. 5. Prepare the operation manual and train non-technical users on the business' s information systems. 6. Coordinate the needs of in-house IT experts and remote employees, vendors a nd contractors. 7. Provide support for higher members of management. Qualifications: 1. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Scien ce. 2. Proficient in English and Mandarin 3. Strong communication and multi-tasking skills 4. Familiar with C/C++ 5. Demonstrate initiative and problem solving skills 6. Must be authorized to work in the United States (OPT, H1B, Permanent Reside nt, or US Citizens) Work Location: Lake City, SC How to apply: Please email resume and transcript to ykuo@nalc.npcam.com by Nov ember 30th, 2020 Job Opening 2: Cost Management Analyst Job Description: 1. Review and administer programs and proposals such as cost reduction, capita l expenditures, expense budgets, etc. 2. Provide management with monthly performance report on materials, maintenanc e, and finished goods. 3. Monitor and resolve errors from materials/production and finished goods bil ling. 4. Analyze and implement procedures and functions for each level and related d epartments. 5. Analyze operating data and recommend action to correct trends Qualifications: 1. MBA or Bachelor’s in Accounting/Finance 2. Proficient in English and Mandarin 3. Strong communication and multi-tasking skills 4. Must be authorized to work in the United States (OPT, H1B, Permanent Resi dent, or US Citizens) How to apply: Please email resume and transcript to ykuo@nalc.npcam.com by Nov ember 30th, 2020 We offer competitive salary and benefits including company paid Medical/Dental , 401K match, pension, paid vacation and holidays. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Oversea_Job/M.1605327750.A.DEE.html
文章代碼(AID): #1Vhrk6tk (Oversea_Job)
文章代碼(AID): #1Vhrk6tk (Oversea_Job)