Re: [問題] FRU, BOM, ECN

看板P_Management (專案/產品管理)作者 (さとい)時間17年前 (2007/12/25 20:21), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ 引述《yule1224 (心情為什麼鳥)》之銘言: : 以下是英業達在徵求service PM的需求 : 1. Define New Model FRU : 2. Create/Review BOM : 3. Communicate with customer : 4. Monitor the realted documents status : 5. ECN follow up : 請問 : FRU, BOM, ECN是什麼? FRU: Field Replaceable Unit is a circuit board, part, or assembly that can be quickly and easily removed from a personal computer or other piece of electronic equipment, and replaced by the user or a technician without having to send the entire product or system to a repair facility. BOM: Bill of Material is the term used to describe the "parts list" of components needed to complete a saleable end-item ECN: Engineering Change Notice, An Engineering Change Notice (ECN), or Change Notice, is a document which records or authorises a change to a design. source: -- 我正曠上行自通孤我 正孤野的星己過獨正 孤獨 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/25 22:53, , 1F
出..出現了.... @@
12/25 22:53, 1F

12/25 23:50, , 2F
3Q :)
12/25 23:50, 2F
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