Re: [問題] 女生念博士真的就是幸福的阻礙嗎?

看板PhD (博士班)作者 (觀流水兮潺湲)時間16年前 (2009/04/19 12:30), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串5/37 (看更多)
A PhD student is just like a banker, an engineer, or a teacher that you make time for yourself in addition to studies and research. If you feel the need to socialize or date, then you find a way to participate in activities during breaks from research. Unless you're a real workholic and research is your life, you have a little bit of time, energy, and motivation to find your own happiness. Of course maintaining a relationship takes you away from your work for a little while, but you ought to find a balance between personal life and the academia. For example, if your partner wants to/can only spend time with you at some nights and in some weekends, then you learn to expedite your work and finish the tasks so you can enjoy your intimate hours. -- 有情風萬里捲潮來 無情送潮歸 問錢塘江上 西興浦口 幾度斜暉 不用思量今古 俯仰昔人非 誰似東坡老 白首忘機 記取西湖西畔 正春山好處 空翠煙霏 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/19 13:35, , 1F
04/19 13:35, 1F

04/19 18:52, , 2F
04/19 18:52, 2F

04/20 11:15, , 3F
但是如果是在台灣,那就不一定是那麼一回事了 囧rz
04/20 11:15, 3F
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