[每日] 0918|印度語|tumhaare kitane bhaaii …

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Savita和Rakesh是德里大學的新鮮人,在短暫自我介紹後,他們開始談起自己的家庭。 ────┬────────────────────────────────── savitaa │achChaa raakesh, kyaa tumhaaraa parivaar dillii men hai? Well 問句開頭 your family Delhi in is 那麼, 你的家庭(人)在德里嗎? ────┼────────────────────────────────── raakesh │nahiin, meraa parivaar gaanv men hai. no my family village in is 不,我的家人在村莊裡。 ────┼────────────────────────────────── savitaa │parivaar men kaun-kaun hain? family in who exactly is 在村莊裡究竟有哪些人呢? ────┼────────────────────────────────── raakesh │meraa parivaar baRaa hai, mere do bhaaii aur tin bahanen hain my family big is my two brothers and three sisters are 我是大家庭,我有兩個兄弟和三個姐妹, aur maan-baap bhii hain. and parent too are 還有雙親。 ────┼────────────────────────────────── savitaa │vaastav men tumhaaraa parivaar kaafii baRaa hai. really your family very big is 真的,你有個大家庭。 kyaa parivaar men aur koii bhii hai? 問句開頭 family in anyone else too is 你家庭裡還有其他人嗎? ────┼────────────────────────────────── raakesh │bilakul, mere daadaa-daadii bhii hain. sure my grandparents too are 當然有,我還有祖父母, gaanv men mere chaachaa-chaachii bhii hain village in my uncle and aunt too are 在村莊裡,我還有伯父伯母, aur unake do beTe aur ek beTii hain. and their two sons and one daughter are 而他們有兩個兒子和一個女兒。 aur tumhaare kitane bhaaii-bahan hain? and your how brother-sister are 那你有幾個兄弟姐妹呢? ────┼────────────────────────────────── savitaa │meraa parivaar to ChoTaa hain. my family 強調語氣 small is 我是小家庭。 meraa sirf ek bhaaii hai aur maan-baap hain, koii bahan nahiin hai. my only one brother is and parent are some sister not is 我只有一個兄弟和雙親,沒有任何姐妹。 ────┼────────────────────────────────── raakesh │mere do ChoTe bhaaii hain aur ek bahan ChoTii hai. my two small brothers are and one sister younter is 我有兩個弟弟和一個妹妹, aur do baRii. and two older (sisters) 以及兩個姐姐。 ────┼────────────────────────────────── savitaa │achChaa, to tum sabase baRe ho? Well so you of all old are 喔,那麼你是裡面最年長的囉? ────┼────────────────────────────────── raakesh │haan, main sabse baRaa bhaaii huun par do bahanen baRii hain. yes I of all old brother am but two sisters olders are 對,我是兄弟裡面最年長的,但我有兩個姐姐。 ────┼────────────────────────────────── savitaa │meraa bhaaii ChoTaa hai, vah abhii skuul men hai. my brother younger is he right now school in is 我的兄弟比我小,他現在在學校裡。 ────┼────────────────────────────────── raakesh │aajakal baRe parivaar keval gaanv men hain shahar men nahiin. currently big families only village in is cities in not 現今大家庭只存在在村莊裡,在大都市裡不復見了。 ────┴────────────────────────────────── 單字: tumhaaraa/tummhaare/tumhaarii: 你的/你們的 parivaar: 家庭(陽);family gaanv: 村莊(陰); village kaun: who kaun kaun: who exactly, who all baRaa: 大的、較年長的;big,older maan-baap: 父母親;parents vaastav: (adj)真的、正確的、事實的; real, actual, factual, genuine, substantial vaastav men: 真正地、實際地、事實上;really,actually, in reality, in fact kaafii: 很;非常;極其;deeply, quite koii: (n) 某人;someone, somebody koii: (adj) 一些;some aur koii: 其他人;anyone else, anybody else bilakul: (adj,adv) 當然;absolutely, completely, sure, of course daadaa-daadii: 祖父母;grandparents chaachaa-chaachii: 伯父伯母;uncel and aunt unakaa/unake/unakii: 他們的(擁有物為陽單/陽複/陰單、複); their_ beTaa: 兒子;son beTii: 女兒; daughter kitanaa/kitane/kitanii: 多少;how much, how many ChoTaa: 小的、較年幼的;small, younger sirf: 唯一、僅;mere,only to: 語氣強調,那麼、所以;then, so, therefore, sabse = sab se: of all sabse baRaa: the olderst; the biggest keval: 僅、只有;merely, exclusively, solely shahar: 城市;city -- ∴_ http://disp.cc/b/Hindi BonneCherie ▃▂▃▄▃▂▁▁▂▃▄▂▂ http://disp.cc/b/English-Words-Game -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #1Cb3fR2u (S-Asia-Langs)
文章代碼(AID): #1Cb3fR2u (S-Asia-Langs)