[情報] Credo Technology 財報

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標題:Credo climbs on Q3 results as revenue soars 154% year over year 網址: https://reurl.cc/Y4yRYO 內文: Credo Technology (NASDAQ:CRDO) climbed during early post-market trading Tuesday after its third quarter fiscal 2025 financial results easily surpassed estimates. Credo had already closed the trading day up 7.7%. For the quarter ended Feb 1, 2025, Credo reported adjusted earnings per share of $0.25 which was more than the consensus estimate of $0.18. Revenue totaled $135M, which was also well above the estimate of $120M. Looking ahead to the quarter in progress, Credo expects revenue ranging from $155M to $165M, which is well beyond the estimate of $137.5M. The high-speed connectivity provider projects gross margin ranging from 63% to 65% during the fourth quarter. "We achieved record revenue in the third quarter, driven by our AEC product line, as we experienced the inflection point in our business that we had expected," said Credo CEO Bill Brennan. "Going forward, we expect continued growth across our product lines and customer base as market demand for innovative connectivity solutions continues to grow." ----- 每股收益為 0.25 美元,高於普遍預期的 0.18 美元。 總營收達到 1.35 億美元,也遠高於 1.2 億美元的預期。 本季展望在 1.55 億美元至 1.65 億美元之間,也遠高於 1.375 億美元的預期 收盤前漲7.7% 盤後目前漲6% Credo 專攻高速網路連接,業務很大部分是因應資料中心持續的高建設需求 前陣子跟著整體AI股大跌到目前的位置, 看看隨著優秀的財報公布 應該有機會收復一部分的跌幅。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (荷蘭) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1741124655.A.2A1.html ※ 編輯: ppippi ( 荷蘭), 03/05/2025 05:46:53

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文章代碼(AID): #1dntGlAX (Stock)